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Vigilante v. self defense? What’s the differnce?

3 Responses to “Hysterics”

  1. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “All private gun owners are vigilantes, because we want to ban private gun ownership and the word vigilante sounds bad. However, we don’t want to wear out the word through overuse, so we usually only apply it to private gun owners who actually have used their guns in self defense.”

  2. JKB Says:

    Funny in not one of the examples cited did the store clerk even chase the robber out of the store. They were all inside, active robbery shootings. It the highlighted story, the robber came back in to re-engage.

    This story of a recent robbery in Chattanooga has a photo series showing just what clerks have to fear.

  3. BobG Says:

    Vigilantes chase down trouble; in self-defense a person meets it with necessary force.

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