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First, it was magazine ads and internet TV. Jim talks about getting more mainstream eyeballs on guns:

A non-scientific survey of shooters, discussion boards, blogs and such shows an widespread approval of the two ads – and the idea of going to a lifestyle magazine that is reaching a new audience.

Conversations with Freedom Group officials indicate there is no reluctance to bring their products – in a responsible context – to the mainstream.

Though TeeVee is going to be a challenge, some say a viable media strategy will work.

6 Responses to “Eyeballs”

  1. Chas Says:

    Now is the time. The anti’s are tangled up in the wreck of the Obama administration. They can’t move.

    How wrecked is the Obama administration? This wrecked:
    (“…a folk song about politicians and bank failures.”

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    In a down-economy advertising revenues are shrinking, increasing acceptability – now’s the time to get more ads out there.

  3. elodbob Says:

    Here are some students from Columbia University who have an idea to get machine guns on TeeVee:

    They’re hoping the controversy it generates will help us fight for 2A rights.

  4. kaveman Says:

    Somewhere along the way I remember reading something about “gun ads” being barred from advertising in certain media such as TV.

    I could be wrong; certainly wouldn’t be the first time.

  5. Diomed Says:

    There’s no ban on gun ads. Ever watch the gun porn shows on cable?

    Sometimes there are local shop or gunshow ads on broadcast as well.

  6. comatus Says:

    elodbob, that is a good idea, but behind it I sense the usual Ovidian student scheme to get no-fee barbeque. Of arms, the man, and a free lunch do they sing. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

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