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Rule 3

Keep your booger-hook off the bang-switch. Or you may find yourself checking into the appropriately named Gympie Hospital.

6 Responses to “Rule 3”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Cop Leg!

  2. Hartley Says:

    “Cop Glock Leg” Say THAT one three times fast..

  3. Gunstar1 Says:

    He pulled a Fife.

    (Barney Fife)

  4. Chas Says:

    Was it “Glock Leg Syndrome” again?

  5. BillH Says:

    The guy needs to read more gun blogs. All cops, for that matter. This past year we’ve had stories about cops shooting themselves, leaving their weapons in front yards and bathrooms, and who can remember what all… of course, computers are quite a bit more technical than most forearms.

  6. BillH Says:

    Firearms, you dork. see. keyboards are dangerous…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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