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Knife to a gun fight

And, really, who picks a fight at WalMart?

Update: A comment:

Want to know the funny thing about this story? Mr. Dunkelberger actually said to Mr. Dresseler when drawing his gun ‘don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.’ The not so funny thing is that the man he was protecting was my father. I am forever thankful to Mr. Dunkelberger for stepping up and potentially saving my dad’s life. The aggressor Mr. Dressler posted $20,000 BAIL within a few hours. Any guesses on what he does for a living? I have a few of my own… Must’ve felt like a big man being 26 picking on a 56 year old man. Lesson learned though- our entire family will have our gun carry permits ASAP!

3 Responses to “Knife to a gun fight”

  1. Spook45 Says:

    Appearantly EVERYONE. Walmart seems to be a thug magnet. You can veiw the numbers at IT is pretty amazing the shear number of crimes/attacks that are perped at Walmart. I dont go there any more unless I have to, I try with ALL OF MY BEING to BUY AMERICAN! Since Walmart pushes the Chinese agenda, I avoid them like the plague. BUY MORE AMMO………at somewhere OTHER THAN WALMART!

  2. Pete Says:

    So not only does he do the right thing and stop a potential stabbing, he goes all James Bond-esque with a witty remark while holding a gun on the guy.

    I wonder if he pulled off his sunglasses while saying it.

  3. Fred Says:

    I go to Walmart pretty regularly, and nobody’s ever pulled a knife on me… but then again I regularly open carry…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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