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If you have kids, keep the guns where they can’t get to them.

4 Responses to “Tragic”

  1. ATLien Says:

    Seems like if he could have carries into the frakking post office, his kid might be alive today.

  2. M4Finny Says:

    “Reddick said he heard news reports late Saturday that suggested he was careless with the weapon. “I’m far from careless,” he said. “It was an accident.”

    Hate to be blunt while this Man is grieving. But this was an incident and not an accident. An accident is an unforeseeable and non-preventable episode that results in a serious injury or death. The Man was careless and complacent with his sidearm. He paid dearly for this and my heart aches thinking about how that could have been my Son. Accidents happen when you take all of the steps that are necessary to prevent an injury or death and an episode still occurs (IE – not your fault). As much of a pain in the ass that it is to properly secure your weapon when confronted with a non-carry zone, you MUST do it. I agree that the Post Office gun free zone is BS. But, that is NOT what killed his son. His son is dead because Dad did not do two things: #1. Dad failed to properly teach his boys to NEVER touch a firearm. He should have taught the kids what Eddie Eagle says: “STOP …. Don’t touch! … Go tell an adult.” And #2, Dad should have taken his sidearm with him. I’m sorry people, but we all know that this is true. Never leave your firearm unattended, especially when there exists even a remote chance that a child can get to it.

  3. Vote For David Says:

    M4Finny, you don’t have to take the gun with you, but you might want to pocket the magazine and empty the chamber. Yes, the gun free zone policy has claimed another victim.

    My children are younger than 10 and ALL of them know that if I’m not around, so much as touching my arms without permission is a light-you-up offense. They could recite and understand the Four rules from four years old. This sort of thing happens due to a lack of 1) proper childhood weapons education and 2) proper fear of an *ss whoopin’ for infractions against The Rules. It also happens because children are curious; everyone knows it, so you don’t leave loaded guns with no safety where a child can get hold of them, ever!

    Yes, dad, you were careless. No amount of excuse-making or prior history of due care will bring a child back to life. As they say in the service: “one oh shit wipes out a whole lot of attaboys.”

    Sucks to be you.

  4. M4Finny Says:

    “Yes, the gun free zone policy has claimed another victim.”

    Sorry Vote For David, but this is the only point that you and I disagree on. Everything else that you shared was on point. A policy did not and cannot claim responsibility for the dead boy. Your posting about responsibility and how you enforce it with your children was textbook. But, you really lost me with the knee-jerk “blame it on the postmasters policy”. Now, if we were talking about an unarmed man, leaving his gun in his truck while patronizing a gun free-zone, only to be gunned down unarmed, then and only then does your position ring true.

    Inexcusable, irresponsible and unacceptable bad judgment has nothing to do with post office policy. What if he had left his gun in the console for two weeks unsecured? And then and only then, having his son find it to kill his brother with? Would you blame the Post Office policy in that case?

    This equine is official deceased. Sorry to keep slapping him.

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