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Commercial Squeal, meet woodshed


3 Responses to “Commercial Squeal, meet woodshed”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    I know this silly opposition to this common sense reform is rooted in moronic appeal to the “alkiehall-is-the-Devil” culture of the South, but has the paper given you any logic-based arguments?

    Can the paper point to a state where it is legal to “pack heat” in bars and there is a problem with people shooting each other over soft pretzels or a dart game? I played two games of 501 Friday night at a brewery in Indiana, had a microbrew and was carrying two pistols. Oddly no one burst into flames during the course of the evening.

  2. ka Says:

    I can carry in any restaurant in Oklahoma and Texas. As long as it is not legally classified a “Bar” then I’m good. AFAIK this has always been the law in Oklahoma since CCW was enacted.

    This is the problem gun control activists have. There isn’t any gun control law they can propose where we can’t find some state that doesn’t have that restriction and blood doesn’t run in the streets. Gun control activists are boned.

  3. Matt Groom Says:

    The good news is that the really idiot types who refuse to patronize an establishment that doesn’t have a sign will stay the hell away from the rest of us. They’ll wash themselves out and stop being a stain on the larger culture. When the last of their snooty, uptight, anti-civil-rights establishments closes due to a lack of business, they’ll be forced to move away and go live somewhere where they aren’t at liberty to make those kinds of choices.

    I choose to carry as a civil duty, I cannot elect to eat somewhere that has a sign that says “No Guns” just as I cannot elect abdicate my duties to another. A person who doesn’t carry can eat anywhere they want, which means the market will always be larger for the civil rights friendly establishments that allow guns and gun owners.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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