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A tale of two writers

Via Breda, comes this I Write Like thing. You paste some text, it tells you who you write like. I put in a few blog entries and it said I, like Breda, write like some guy I had to google to figure out he was. And it turns out he is a blogger for boing boing.

Then, for laughs, I put in something I had written for work. And I get Arthur C. Clarke. I laughed.

10 Responses to “A tale of two writers”

  1. PawPaw Says:

    I tried three times, got one HP Lovecraft and two David Foster Wallace.

  2. Mad Man Says:

    Apparently I write like Cory Doctorow, who’ve I’ve actually heard of. He’s a science fiction writer. Go figure.

  3. Tam Says:

    I write like $RANDOM_AUTHOR, too! 😀

  4. breda Says:

    I knew who Doctorow was because I read Boing Boing and ordered one of his books for the young adult collection here at the library.

    Still, I’m somewhat ashamed that I write like a geek hipster.

  5. Bill Says:

    Dan Brown, interesting, because although I’ve read all his books, I put in a letter I wrote a friend from before I ever read a Dan Brown book!

    I also tried a couple blog posts, Dan Brown on them too!


  6. Nylarthotep Says:

    Apparently I blog like Dan Brown and work like H P Lovecraft. (The Lovecraft thing almost makes sense with the horror I get every day I come in here.)

  7. Bill Says:

    Sort of fun, uses an algorithm similar to the ones used to detect spam.

    My forum posts are Jane Austen like, evidently!

  8. Ed Says:

    Lovecraft. Very metal indeed, which is awesome.

  9. Borepatch Says:

    I’m with Ed. Death Metal blogging FTW!

  10. Billy Beck Says:

    I write like me, and I am the only one.

    I like that.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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