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Can we have our bug back?

Man finds tracking device on his car. Removes it, takes pics of it and shows it to his facebook friends. FBI shows up wanting their toy back. All without a warrant.

Personally, I would have had more fun with the gizmo.

24 Responses to “Can we have our bug back?”

  1. Newman Says:

    Yeah I would have stuck it to the neighbors mini van or taped it to a stray cat. I wounder what this Afifi dude is into that they wanted to track him?

  2. Mike Says:

    Seems like he was guilty of being half-Egyptian and having an activist father. Par for the course for the FBI from back in the Hoover days, really.

  3. wizardpc Says:

    Well in addition to the activist father (who died last year in Eqypt but they don’t say how), his buddy made an internet posting about blowing up a mall.

  4. Wolfwood Says:

    Dear FBI: I’d like to refer you to the longstanding case of F. Keepers v. L. Weepers, standing for the proposition that it’s now mine. If you would like to purchase it for a reasonable cost, however, let’s go get lunch somewhere. Your tab.

  5. Rustmiester Says:

    Did they get it back in pieces?

  6. Anon Says:

    @Newman: Good idea, but I think relocating it to a long haul truck is the way to go. 🙂

  7. John Smith. Says:

    I would have taken a poo on it.

  8. John Richardson Says:

    I thought putting it on an Intermodel freight train headed East was the proper response. Once the train ended up in the switching yard, who knows where the freight container would end up!

    I saw pictures of this device on the CalGuns Forum. It must have been made in the days before miniturization! One part was the size of an old D-cell Maglight and the other was at least 4″x6″.

  9. Tennessee Budd Says:

    I think I’d’ve probably already have used it as a target by the time they asked for it back.

  10. guy Says:

    The most awesome thing would have been to give it to a hardware hacker friend who could mod it to report GPS locations that were running in circles around the J. Edgar Hoover building.

  11. Rabbit Says:

    I’m in on the idea of sticking to a rail freight car and waving bye-bye with an admonition to write soon.

    Or, forward it to one of those Nigerian 419 scammers who wanted to buy a computer from me off eBay.

  12. mikee Says:

    The man is Egyptian? Send it to the US embassy in Tel Aviv. Hilarity ensues.

  13. divemedic Says:

    Tie it to a weather balloon?

  14. Standard Mischief Says:

    I’d sell it on Ebay and donate the proceeds to the EFF.

    I agree the thing is kinda chunky. I’ve got my one post on this topic here.

  15. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Just leave the damn thing … in the loo at an Indian casino.

  16. hank Says:

    I would put it in a plastic bag, on a makeshift raft, and sail it down the nearest river.

    I wonder if they would get it before it got to New Orleans?

    I suppose I might get busted for littering, so I suppose rubber gloves would be in order while handling the gadget/bag/raft. I wouldn’t want to lose my “good citizen” badge. On the other hand, what the hell – just insist on a jury trial, and watch them squirm when my lawyer asks the agents involved how much time and effort went in to my case – for littering.

  17. Joe in Reno Says:

    You guys are all thinking too conventional.

    Put in a cheap back pack. take it too nearest federal courthouse. Drop it in front of the front doors and run like hell. Report suspicious package. Homeland weanies do the rest.

  18. Oakenheart Says:

    Strap it to some very large model rocket engines, see if they can recover it from low earth orbit 😉

  19. fuckdapigs Says:

    Tape it to a spray painted black brick

    place in box

    Put in front of FBI office

    Report suspicious package.

    The FBI would blow it up for you.

  20. Stretch Says:

    FedEx it overnight to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500.

  21. Mayor Joel Stoner Says:

    I agree on the what is attached to my vehicle becomes my property part 100%. However i think some people misread the court decision, didn’t the ruling say that his car was not protected because it was parked in his driveway that was accessible to anyone? I believe they also alluded to a private fenced off garage as meeting privacy requirements of needing a warrant.

  22. Crotalus Says:

    Yeah, Joel, the court couldn’t get the 4th Amendment right, either.

  23. hotel26 Says:

    I’d have been tempted to stick it to the underneath of a Police car.

  24. Jerry Says:

    There is a dairy farm, somewhere, use your imagination.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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