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Equivocation and how to suck at it

Some things are bad. Like really earth-shattering bad. You know, like Nazis, genocide, commies. Those sorts of things. Some things are bad. But they just kind of suck. And you probably shouldn’t compare things that just kinda suck to really earth-shatteringly bad things. Like comparing bullying to genocide. It’s not in the same league or even the same fucking sport.

Speaking of bullying, some friends of ours are upset that, at school, ten year old boys call other ten year old boys names. One kid calls their son ‘gay’ and the parents are actually thinking of calling the police. Really? I think back to when I was ten and that was probably the least offensive thing we called each other.

18 Responses to “Equivocation and how to suck at it”

  1. Jake Says:

    I think back to when I was ten and a well placed punch or two would stop that kind of thing if it got out of hand. Back then, you got after-school detention for a couple of days and they told your parents (which was the worse part).

    These days, if a kid does that they call the police and start talking expulsion, because the attitude has become “all fighting is bad, always, for any reason.”

    Maybe we should just start making all clothing out of bubble wrap. When today’s kids grow up, they’re going to need it.

  2. franxredhot Says:

    The surest way to stop a bully is to stand up to him.Unfortunately,there’s been a mind-set that won’t let kids defend themselves at school,and authorities are so afraid of offending someone,that they tend to not take decisive action.
    I’d rather have my kid kicked out of school for fighting than have him get pushed around.

  3. Miguel Says:

    Lemme see… Wedgie versus rape and dismemberment by machete. Yep, same thing.

  4. ben Says:

    When I was 10 we still didn’t know what “gay” meant. Except that we new it meant happy because it was in the lyrics of “When Johnny Comes Marching Home.”

  5. ben Says:

    But we still called each other “gay.” Which is funny, in a happy sort of way.

  6. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    The irony is the kid probably really is gay.

  7. teke175 Says:

    Mr. Evilwrench,

    That’s probably why dad is so sensitive about it he suspects that the boy is gay.

  8. MrSatyre Says:

    I was bullied extensively throughout gradeschool in the UK (for being a Yank), and in the US (for having an English accent from having lived too long in the UK) (at least for a year or so, before devolving into a redneck like everyone else in southern Illinois). I was called names, kicked, punched, teased, shot at with bb-guns, you name it. Sure I cried about it from time to time, but I always sucked it up and moved on. And when it came time to go to h.s., I stood up for myself and said “That was then, this is now, and no more getting picked on.” And I’ve fought back and never been bullied since, either in school or at work.

    Since my days of being bullied, I haven’t stolen anything, raped anyone, murdered anyone, bullied anyone, back-stabbed anyone, or voted for a Liberal. I served in the military and have been quite successful in the business world, have a great girlfriend and a nice house. Life isn’t perfect, but I sure as hell haven’t let what to me was a “normal” childhood ruin my life.

    Guess that makes me a complete victim, huh? Everyone cry for me!

  9. Rivrdog Says:

    If a parent calls the cops because of that, they have just surrendered their license to parent, in my book.

  10. DirtCrashr Says:

    We didn’t know from gay or queer when I was ten, but everyone’s last name was the jumping-off point for some rude re-naming Fu*erson, to Twa*lovitch, to Cun*heimer – everybody’s names, including some of the girls.

  11. Chuck Bennett Says:

    Ok, so this was almost 5 decades ago but I was in a knock down drag out with a bully. Not really winning either.. The teacher (i remember him as a giant of a man) snatched us up and said “Take it off school grounds” Not “Don’t fight.” no visit to the office none of that. When I got home by dad looked at my face and asked “what happened” I said, I had a “disagreement with someone”. He actually laughed. The bully moved on to easier prey.. (good thing for me..)

  12. ben Says:

    Given my last name “Triplett,” I got called “Triple-Tit” which evolved into “Triple-nipple,” which, apparently for economy’s sake, was inevitably shortened to “nipple.” I’m obviously scarred for life.

  13. mikee Says:

    In elementary school decades ago, I had several years of bad blood with a kid in my class. We got in a real fight, rather than name calling, in fourth grade. Sister Mary John, the principal of our very Catholic school, told my mom the teachers had seen this coming for some time, and were glad it was finally over. End of the issue. That kid and I spent another five years in the same classes without a problem. As the teachers knew we would.

    God bless good old Sister Mary John (called Sister Mary Latrine behind her back), and Sister Mary Camilla (called Sister Mary Gorilla) and all the other nuns at that fine school. And as for name calling, and bullying, we called that recess.

  14. Lyle Says:

    Yeah; we didn’t use “gay” in the ’60s and ’70s. “Queer” was much more common. I find it rather queer that we now use “gay”. Being gay isn’t queer (wouldn’t we all prefer that it be a common thing?) but being homosexual is in fact queer, you know, statistically speaking. Where has our language gone? Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go downtown and pick up some fags at the tobacco shop.

    “I think back to when I was ten and that was probably the least offensive thing we called each other.”

    Damned straight, you pile of shit ; )

  15. moi Says:

    Back when I was ten, the word “Gay” didn’t have any other connotation, other than Happy.

  16. John Says:

    Who’s the bully here? The kids who do the name-calling, which is just words, or instead the parents who are considering invoking the wrath of law enforcement, which will have true impact on the kids?

    Think about it: Some insecure, alleged adults are upset because their little sex-trophy had it’s wittle feewings huwt.

    Teach the little priss to deal with a bit of name calling (and how to dish some out himself) or give him the skills to deal directly and effectively with those doing the name calling.

  17. Andrew Says:

    5th grade, scrawny 11 year old, new at the school in a new city and State. The school bully, Russo was his last name, I think, accused me of calling him Mooso. Like the Moose, sensitive about his weight? Big kid in the 7th grade. Didn’t have the slightest clue as to who he was.

    Pushed me, and I jumped his ass!! Fighting like a dervish devil. Teachers broke it up and next stop, the principals office.

    Mooso claimed I called him a name and attacked him. Principal took one look at my scrawny ass, said go back to class, and called Moosos parents.

    Kids and parents have become pussies. Kids because the schools won’t let you defend yourself, and parents because they spend too much time pampering the little, bitty, future liberals.

    Mooso was cured the next day on the snowpile at the end of the school yard. 200 foot long king of the hill competition. My older brothers buddy, Buzz Robecki?, told me he had me covered. Sure enough, Mooso came straight at me. Buzz sawed him down and my brother followed. We held the hill!!!!


  18. Dave Says:

    Both of my kids went to public school, which insisted on automatic expulsion/suspension for fighting, even if it was self defense. Bullshit. I told my kids that they may get into with the dipshit school admins, but they would never be in trouble with me for defending themselves or someone else. Just use some common sense here people.

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