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Home improvement

Insty: I never thought of a tomahawk as a home improvement tool myself, but I guess it depends on where you live

Well, I’ve used one and the Cold Steel Kukri to clear brush an start a compost pile. YMMV.

10 Responses to “Home improvement”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    I keep a tomahawk in the driver’s door pocket of my truck, where it is VERY easy to grab. Since I’m left-handed, I can manage the difficult-for-righties backhand chop with it to counter any open-window shenanigans. Between moving the truck, and drawing my right-side holstered 44 Bulldog, I think that I make a fairly hard target. BTW, that tomahawk is NOT a designed fighting tool, in fact, it is a sheetrock tool, so I have some deniability, as well (“first weapon that came to hand for defense, Officer”)

  2. JKB Says:

    I didn’t know it was for home improvement but for the demolition phase, yes.

    A guy from Chattanooga was making tomahawks in his parent’s backyard but business got so good he had to go industrial. A lot of use by troops in the war for urban search and entry.

    Here’s the company website RMJ Tactical

  3. BobG Says:

    Just about every guy I’ve ever seen putting up sheetrock uses a tomahawk for cutting and pounding nails.

  4. comatus Says:

    Time for some regional etymology? In my parts, tomahawk is not a synonym for hatchet. And, an old roofer pointed out to me pointedly, properly (to him), a hatchet has an axe face with a hammer head on the back. One of dad’s buddies used to call that a “hatch-ax.”

    Bad joke among federal employees. They’re all under the Hatch Acts.

    Do y’all use another name for the combination short ax and hammer? Because you’re not supposed to hit any metal with an axe head, you know.

  5. Kristopher Says:

    Sharp objects categorized as “home improvement” do not get deleted from

  6. Kristopher Says:

    comatus: The Hatch act was repealed by Clinton, and replaced with the 19th Century spoils system it was passed to prevent.

  7. Critter Says:

    the Cold Steel kukri is not bad but is too thin in cross section to do a good job of cutting wood. needs to be a little more wedge like.

    tomahawks need to be thrown. there is more awesome that way.

  8. Roberta X Says:

    Two words: “shingling hatchet.” Geesh. Hammer poll, nail-puller notch, maybe indexing holes. Do a websearch for images — looks all tactikewl, no? But mostly used as a home improvement tool. At least until The Revolution.

  9. Stretch Says:

    Kukri excellent for clearing brush and scrub behind the shed. Also handy for beheading Vampires and last ditch Zombie defense.

  10. Drang Says:

    The Clue Meter: “He must be a ‘skinner…

    A roofing hammer is not a tomahawk…exactly.

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