The TSA at work
First, I’m surprised they’re actually patting themselves on the back for keeping a plane safe from the scourge of a can of soup. Then, it occurred to me that our government is actually wasting money on them to have a damn blog in the first place.
April 19th, 2012 at 10:54 am
The best part is the ruler labeled “TSA”. If you are a TSA employee and you didn’t bring the ruler yourself, and there is a ruler at work, is there any confusion about whether you should leave the ruler for the next shift? Is there some confusion among TSA employees about finding stuff at work and thinking it belongs to them and they should take it home?
On the other hand, I should be glad they didn’t spent $20 million dollars getting official TSA rulers for all checkpoints.
April 19th, 2012 at 12:35 pm
At dinner one night my daughter once asked me how much rice I could eat. I told to her I could eat an infinite amount of rice. She didn’t believe me. So I asked her to take one grain of rice and cut it into very small pieces. She did this. Then I asked her if she thought I could eat the smallest piece of rice she made, even after all the rest of my rice. She agreed that I could. Then I told her that if I could do that, I could continue eating small pieces of rice indefinitely, eventually to make an infinite amount of rice eaten. She laughed and agreed with me again. And she has teased me with this idea as I have gotten fatter over the last 5 years.
Same thing with large organizations. If there is no problem with doing one more itsy bitsy thing, like labeling the rulers with the logo, there is no stopping them from crotch fondling every customer.