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Gun Porn

Isaiah Jenning’s Flintlock repeating rifle

M1A Wallpapers

Ruger 22/45. Been thinking about picking one of these up since I am currently sans 22 pistol.

Gun unporn: Every time I see a “Show off a picture of your Glock!” thread on a gun forum, I have to choke back the urge to post “See that picture above this post? Mine looks pretty much like that one.” Heh.

9 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. Dann in Ohio Says:

    You can’t go wrong with the Ruger 22/44… we’ve have several Mark II’s, Mark III’s and both generations of 22/45’s…

    The 22/45’s our 4H Shooting Sports club has have seen 10’s of thousands of rounds through them without a problem… and they’re still more accurate/precise than the newer Ruger SR22’s…

    Dann in Ohio

  2. Todd S Says:

    I love my 22/45 and breaking it is nigh impossible. It eats any ammo I put through it and I only give it a full takedown every 1000 rounds or so.

  3. Jerry Says:

    I was at a local fun store when I saw my first SR-22. It looked like a Walther copy. Safety is just wrong, bbl is to short to(legally) hunt with. Then the shop-owner laid it in my hand. I damn near cried. It felt soooo good. I won’t even touch another. It was THAT good. If the big r could copy avz82 and make it feel like that……..

  4. Nate from Ogden Says:

    That repeating flintlock is almost as cool as my Rocky Mountain Arms 22 caliber black powder breach loading rifle. It uses paper roll caps, (punched into circles with a hole punch) to ignite the black powder charge. This rifle is sized for kids as an alternative to a BB gun. Consider the differences in thought processes that would allow letting your 12 year old loose in the back yard with a tub of black powder to keep the squirrel population under control… It certainly wouldn’t happen today!

  5. mikee Says:

    The carbon fiber of the 22/45 I have has always seemed a bit off, compared to other polymer guns I own. Yet it has lasted several years of hard use already, and I expect it to continue doing so.

    I still don’t like the dirt-catching loaded chamber indicator of the Mark IIIs.

  6. Skip Says:

    The LCI on a MK111 is easily fixed with with a snip.

  7. Jim S Says:

    I went with a Hunter version of the MkIII. Quite pleased so far.

  8. Jailer Says:

    Picked up a 22/45 lite yesterday. It’s a very nice piece and will be even better once the LCI and magazine disconnect are disabled.

  9. Tam Says:

    My MkIII 22/45 gets cleaned quarterly or so, whether it needs it or not…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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