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You mean he bought it on-line just like everyone else I know?

An article supposedly on How the Aurora shooter got his bullets apparently caused something at the local paper important enough to put on the front page. Because most Knoxville news is a months later expo on how some thing that was big news way back when has ties to Knoxville.

Anyhoo, the article seems to try to make my personal favorite ammo company and, you know, an advertiser look like some international spy agency engaged in complexities for the goal of what, I dunno. But they mostly just seem to be using a logistics company to help their distribution.

That’s a lot of words to say so little.

One Response to “You mean he bought it on-line just like everyone else I know?”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    I like how they connect a shooting that happened before luckygunner existed to luckygunner. That was a nice touch.

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