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Congress is the problem too

We can blame Obama all we want but congress is pretty well engaged in fucking you over too: Congress reaffirms indefinite detention of Americans under NDAA

Meanwhile, all that’s wrong with politics in one basic chart. If you want to vote the bums out, you have to start with your own bum.

4 Responses to “Congress is the problem too”

  1. Nica Says:

    There is so much truth in this. Keep up the good work!

  2. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I helped primary our senate bum last time, shame the guy we put up allowed the enemedia to portray him as having stepped on his tongue.

  3. wildbill Says:

    I hate democraps, but I’ll vote for the one running against Alexander. I can’t believe Tennesseans are so stooped they keep sending this RINO back.

  4. IllTemperedCur Says:

    I have several default voting positions that serve me pretty well:

    No on all ballot initiatives

    Never vote for the Donk

    Vote against the incumbent

    Violating any of the other rules is allowed, only if I am informed and passionate about the issue/candidate

    Of course, being a conservative in my beloved Clownifornia means that my vote basically doesn’t count. But the above rules make it easier to vote without blowing a gasket.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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