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Seen on the internet


12 Responses to “Seen on the internet”

  1. SPQR Says:

    Needs a rail system.

  2. precision270 Says:

    What, no bayonet?

  3. Kristophr Says:

    A grenade launcher would complete it.

  4. nk Says:

    Those mice are hard to see.

  5. mikee Says:

    I’d be afraid to shoot it with full power 22LR cartridges – perhaps with CB Caps the recoil could be handled.

  6. Frank the Wanderer Says:

    What’s that they say- Just because you CAN do it, doesn’t mean you should…

  7. CaptDMO Says:

    Needs a cup holder.

  8. Kristophr Says:

    An a iPhone holder so you can keep your .22 short ballistic table handy.

  9. Sigivald Says:

    I second the bayonet.

  10. Sigivald Says:

    (And I’m Not Making That Up.)

  11. Geodkyt Says:

    Needs a muzzle brake. Maybe Magna-porting, instead.

  12. Lyle Says:

    Don’t forget the flash suppressor.

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