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Chris Christie’s America

Police hopeful seeks Christie pardon after legally owned gun turns him into a convict. Seems he left a gun in his car to take to the range later and wound up not going to the range. The gun wasn’t locked up in the trunk by mistake. Then, he got pulled over and it’s New Jersey.

8 Responses to “Chris Christie’s America”

  1. Ron W Says:

    A Christie pardon admits that this man is a criminal for exercising a right UNLESS he works to repeal such an unconstitutional law which itself is criminal.

  2. Old NFO Says:

    +1 on Ron… dammit…

  3. Nvguyusa Says:

    Throw his ass in the slammer. These criminal types need to be taught a lesson – just like Ray Rices and Shaneen Allen.

    Oh – wait …

  4. Bram Says:

    Repeal isn’t even a possibility in the NJ Assembly.

    I live in NJ and I’m paranoid about this crap. The car gets loaded right before the range and unloaded right after and no errands along the way.

    Any questions on why I won’t be retiring in NJ? The 7% income AND sales taxes, $13k in property taxes, and various other indignities are icing on the cake.

  5. Ron W Says:

    You need to flee south from that slave state. We’re relatively free here in Tennessee, but as far as gun rights, you would probably be better off stopping in Kentucky. On the other hand, we have no state income tax in Tennessee and just passed a constitutional amendment to prohibit one.

  6. Ron W Says:

    Sorry, I meant Bram

  7. Chris Says:

    Christie is nothing more than a corpulent girly-man masquerading as a real man.

    He is a celebrity – nothing more.

    He likes making his football choices public as opposed to taking a principled position on important issues.

  8. JimB Says:

    Christe is just another RINO Republican. He recently vetoed a bill reducing the number of cartridges in a magazine from 15 to 10 saying the number of cartridges made no difference. At the same time he has NEVER come out for the repeal of NJ wacko gun laws or been in favor of “shall issue” pistol permits. He is a NJ Republican.. In other words Democrat Lite.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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