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As someone who hates Frozen and loves The Axis of Awesome


8 Responses to “As someone who hates Frozen and loves The Axis of Awesome”

  1. nk Says:

    Well, that is what would happen to a guy who tried to mess with that girl in Frozen.

  2. Richard Says:

    I am not particularly offended , nor would I deny the right to post this, but why would you want to post this shit on an otherwise relevant and informative blog?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Because it amused me.

  4. Someone You Know Says:

    Dear Uncle:

    You made my day!

    Sincerely, SYK

  5. Richard Says:

    Your blog, and a good me too. Just wondering.

  6. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I seriously almost did that when I was at university back in the 80s. Sometimes it’s a good thing I’m so pathologically lazy, because there were a few things I almost did, at least one of which would have been literally legendary. I would have had to check on the statute of limitations before I told anybody it was me. Yes, that legendary.

  7. Jay Hafemeister Says:

    Richard, look at the top left of the page and you will see
    “Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.”

  8. SayUncle Says:

    “Your blog, and a good me too. Just wondering.”

    Heh. If you start taking me too seriously, you might make me think I’m credible or something 🙂

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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