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Taurus curve already recalled

I guess that means precalled?

Tooele Shooting Supply:

Got a couple of the new Taurus Curve pistols today. Before they arrived, someone from Taurus called us to tell them we couldn’t sell them, and had to send them back to the factory… due to issues they refused to discuss.

Just one more reason why we are phasing out Taurus products here.

Well, I hope it’s nothing major.

18 Responses to “Taurus curve already recalled”

  1. HL Says:

    If true, that ranks it up there with the Remmy R-51!

  2. Yj Says:

    This is the Pontiac Aztec of the firearm industry.

    If only you could buy one in burnt orange and missing a hubcap.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Taurus forgot to stamp the caliber markings onto the barrels according to a few people who spoke about it.

  4. mythified Says:

    This so called recall has been going on for over a week now. So far only 1 gun shop in the entire nation has been informed. Not a single customer who already has them in hand, not any other gun shops, no other guns recalled at all. Every report to date uses only 1 source… Tooele. Just these 2 guns from this gun shop for undisclosed reasons. HMMMMM

  5. Gregory Markle Says:

    Anonymous hit it. Apparently they forgot to mark the caliber on the barrels, which I suppose could turn into a liability issue if someone managed to blow one up by using the wrong ammo. I’d never make it past jury selection for that one, “uh, dude bought a Taurus so what did he expect?”

  6. Jake Says:

    mythified: It’s legit. Here’s the announcement from Taurus. Anonymous got it right – they forgot to stamp the caliber onto the barrels.

  7. Oleg Volk Says:

    My local guns shop says they are selling well. The first five sold in less than a week.

  8. jon Says:

    I read that it was because they forgot to put the caliber on the side.

  9. KM Says:

    Tragic setback to the firearms community…NOT!

  10. SPQR Says:

    Whatever we think the merits of the Curve and Taurus as a manufacturer, I can think we agree that omitting a marking is – while obviously a recall issue for the manufacturer for liability reasons – not a functional issue.

  11. Tam Says:

    Taurus does sometimes forget to do things…

  12. Sigivald Says:

    This is the Pontiac Aztec of the firearm industry.

    Except many people still like the Aztec and it has a cult following.

    (I’ve never personally had a problem with a Taurus [or pre-Taurus Rossi] pistol.

    This gun appears to be less than idea; Oleg Volk’s review suggested feed problems with FMJ, which is rarely a good sign.)

  13. Sigivald Says:

    (Ideal, above, obviously.)

  14. Sigivald Says:

    Apparently they forgot to mark the caliber on the barrels, which I suppose could turn into a liability issue if someone managed to blow one up by using the wrong ammo.

    Is there anything that will fit in a .380 chamber that will kaboom it?

    (Also,‘s report suggests it may be as small as one batch of them missing the marking; not a general problem with the whole line.

    I’d imagine the engraver had a failure or fell out of alignment and nobody noticed.

    Lack of a caliber marking is something you won’t notice in a function test, after all, and is the sort of thing your eye just glosses over unless you’re looking for it…)

  15. MAJMike Says:

    Had a Taurus 99 for over 15 years and never had a problem with it.

  16. whitestone Says:

    …and here I thought they might have mislabeled them as left-handed models.

  17. Beaumont Says:

    I’ve had several Taurus revolvers, with quality varying from good to excellent. I have never owned one of their autos, however. I came close to buying a PT some years back, but the reports of frame pins backing out made me reconsider. Friends who have 92s or 1911s appear to be happy with them. Overall, it seems that Taurus’ problems lie mostly with the polymer frame autos.

  18. JTC Says:

    In the nineties and early naughties I sold the living piss out of M85-UL’s…that was pre P3AT and LCP, and in the early FL CCW days they were a nice carry piece…never had a comeback or problem with them.

    The Beretta clones were another story; don’t think I ever sold a tip-up .22 that didn’t have to go back to factory (in their favor Taurus took care of things quick, no quibbles). And while I don’t recall any specific issues with the 92, I couldn’t figure why anybody would want one of those oversized fat-butted bricks in a world where refurb’ed Glock cop-shop trades were in the 300’s including a HIGH CAPACITY PRE-BAN MAGAZINE!(tm) that was “worth” 100 by itself.

    I’m not familiar with the issues behind the current Taurus h8n having been out of it for a decade, but I’ll have to get up to speed as it looks like soon I’ll have to segue from estate jewelry/coins/bullion back into it (repo’ing my old gun/pawn biz).

    Gotta say I’m not looking forward to it…I had read some about Choke Point but just this week the network affiliate in nearby Tampa ran a series on FFL’s and pawnbrokers getting divorce papers from their banks…Bank of America and Suntrust specifically…and are being cut off and classed with money launderers and terrorist suppliers; that cannot be good or fun to deal with. What happened to the days when I had just two on-site ATF records inspections in 30 years and was treated as a valuable partner by LE in locking up BG’s? So fucking sad.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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