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@SenDougOverbey gives a non answer

Senator Doug Overbey has never been a friend to gun owners. See past posts here. Received this in email today on the guns in parks bill:

doug overbey

13 Responses to “@SenDougOverbey gives a non answer”

  1. Mike V. Says:

    I never realized he is a comedian. I almost spewed iced tea out my nose when I read “I have consistently supported the 2nd Amendment.”

  2. Heath J Says:

    Authoritarian ass

  3. Ron W Says:

    So what other rights does he support allowing local governments to violate? Or does he discriminate against Article I, Section 26 in the State Constitution’s Declaration of RIGHTS?

  4. Magus Says:

    I’ve often wondered, when the line is crossed from pandering to outright lying.

    Either way, I long ago came to the conclusion that when a politician is talking, he’s doing one, the other, or most likely both.

  5. ASM826 Says:

    And if we were talking about other Constitutional violations, would he support the right of the local people to make their own decisions?

  6. Ron W Says:

    Like I said, what other rights is he OK with local governments violating? Many politicians are either ignorant of or disdainful of our State and U.S. Constitutions and thus discriminatory about which rights they support–or don’t.

  7. MJM Says:

    The stated rationale of supporting decision-making at the local level is appealing, but false. The federal and state governments claim vast swathes of lawmaking authority, already, from who you can hire, to how much you have to pay them, to what “STOP” signs have to look like. The federal government literally tells the local governments where to put the toilet paper holders in their public building bathrooms. The senator’s stated rationale is a thinly-veiled excuse. The localities do not get to declare the First Amendment void, either but I hear no politician fussing about it.

  8. Ron W Says:


    Yes, and I dare say this Democratic state senator likely supports the Federal Gov’t superceding State powers in violation of the Tenth Amendment. In addition to invioable rights of the people, Federal and State are supposed to be restrained within their delegated powers. That’s particularly true of the Feds since James Madison, Chief wordsmith of the U.S. Constitution, stated that “the powers delegated to the Federal Goverment are few and defined and those of the States are many and varied” but still those State powers shall not violate those enumerated in our State Constitution, in this case, Article I, Section 26, or the U.S. Bill of Rights.

  9. Mike V. Says:

    I wish he was a D. He was elected as an R.

  10. Ron W Says:

    Thanks, Mike V, my bad. I think I may have confused his name with a former state senator from the Memphis area who was a Democrat. Overby needs to rehearse (or read for the first time) the Declaration of Rights in the State Constitution.

  11. MAJMike Says:

    Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.

  12. Ron W Says:

    MAJMike, yes, similarly, as do criminals.

  13. Will Says:

    Ron W:

    there’s a difference?
    Might need a magnifying glass to see that. On second thought, not enough resolution. Microscope?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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