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Delusional thinking

Some imbecile thinks that the NRA is waning in power and that the Brady Campaign Desperate To Raise Money is rising. He’s clearly not paying attention.

Meanwhile, speculation that the NRA will fall because of immigration. I live in an area with a lot of immigrants and resident workers (mostly Japanese and Mexican). Do you know what they all do when they get here? They shoot guns and buy guns.

4 Responses to “Delusional thinking”

  1. Ron W Says:

    People instinctively know that freedom means they can keep and carry the means to defend themselves. And anyone who wants to restrict or deny that right, while they keep the same for themselves, are not to be trusted. But I suppose some can be persuaded to vote for those same authoritarians if they are gonna take someone else’s money and give it to them.

  2. Roger Says:

    As a range officer in a large municipal range in south Florida, I agree with you and see the evidence every day.

  3. DADvocate Says:

    Up in the northern Kentucky, southern Ohio where I live, Mexicans have guns. Guns are common in the families of Hispanic kids my kids went to school with.

  4. Shawn Says:

    I think something that both sides 10 to be ignorant on is that demographics are static. That the majority of black people will always be anti-gun and the majority of Hispanic people will always be anti-gun. And quite frankly The experiences I have had are not what they say. Being in Arizona a lot of Hispanic people either own or want to own guns. Every Hispanic person I have taken outshooting has either become interested in or have already bought a firearm.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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