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The terror database and gun rights

So much for innocent-til-proven-guilty:

Believe this: Once gun-control enthusiasts are able to deny otherwise legal firearms purchases to suspects of terror whose names are on a deeply secret list with little recourse for removal, mischief is sure to follow. Definitions of terroristic activity will expand, followed closely by the number of names among the suspicious.

10 Responses to “The terror database and gun rights”

  1. SD3 Says:

    Better put the IRS on it.

  2. Lyle Says:

    So much for a lot of things we’ve taken for granted.

    They’ve already said that if we are constitutionalists, we’re terrorists, so there it is. No need to speculate. They’ve declared war on the constitution. This is about disarming their political opponents, because they know that what they’ve been doing and are planning is criminal.

    Next I suppose comes massive civil disobedience, followed by occasional crackdowns. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Whatever it takes to undermine stability, Progressives are for it.

    This is a war against Judeo/Christian civilization. Just so you know, so you won’t become confused at some stage and ask; “How the hell did THIS happen?”

  3. Stretch Says:

    Double Secret Probation List!!

  4. Huck Says:

    Coming soon! “Owning guns is a terroristic act.”

  5. Alien Says:

    Once gun-control enthusiasts are able to deny otherwise legal firearms purchases to suspects of terror whose names are on a deeply secret list with little recourse for removal, mischief is sure to follow.

    That will be true for all values of “mischief.”

  6. JTC Says:

    As for “innocent until proven guilty” not to mention self-incrimination, that all applies for about half of the questions under 4473 11. Prob’ly they’ll just add one.:

    11. m. Are you, or does anyone anywhere suspect you, of being a terrorist, or have you ever committed anything that could be construed as terroristic acts, or have you ever had any thought of committing same, and isn’t your purchase of this firearm proof of such thought?

  7. Phssthpok Says:

    “…Definitions of terroristic activity will expand…”

    I have often wondered just how many ‘crimes’ were ‘upgraded’ from minor civil infractions or misdemeanors to full blown ‘felony’ since then enaction of NFA ’34 (the law that stripped felons of their constitutional RKBA), not to mention how many NEW ‘felony’ crimes were CREATED since then.

  8. Ron W Says:

    JTC, I would answer the same as I do where it asks, “are you in the U.S. Illegally?”, No.

    But who is it that puts anyone on a terror list without “due process of law”? That is government officials and/or agents engaged in criminality.

  9. JTC Says:

    Ron W, as others have said and as Slick Willie famously demonstrated, it all comes down to definitions. Whether you answer yes or no to my hypothetical query is only applicable to yours; but if the “official” definition is expanded to whatever murky criteria may place you on that list, then a yes will disqualify you and a no will perjure you, and either will deny you your rights.

    Yes, it is logic and reason worthy of Wonderland, but when the only real intent is to disarm you, that is logic and reason enough.

  10. Ron W Says:

    JTC, true, and as is my mantra on this issue:


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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