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Yeah, that’ll do it

Paul Ryan: Obama should hunt to understand Second Amendment better

Because hunting is somehow related to the second amendment?

16 Responses to “Yeah, that’ll do it”

  1. Stretch Says:

    Ryan: Primary his ass!

  2. guy Says:

    “Ryan: Primary his ass!”

    With whom?

    This is Wisconsin(if you say it like Leonidas it only becomes more darkly comic) – Home of the Progressive movement.

    That ballsless POS is probably the best we’ll get.

    Ron Johnson even turned and knifed us in the back: “America is a compassionate society, and no one wants to separate families by deporting moms and dads or husbands and wives. As a result, I support immigration reform and a path to legal status for people whose only crime was to enter the country illegally…”

  3. Kasper Says:

    Obama should try 3-gun or cowboy action instead of hunting…

  4. Stretch Says:

    Guy, ah yes … Wisconsin. I spent a LOOOONNNNGGG weekend in Madison. I think I lost 20 IQ points sitting in a bar near U of W campus listening to the students babble.
    You have my deepest sympathy.

  5. Ron W Says:

    Hey Paul, Obama is surrounded and protected by guns so he understands “security” which is THE purpose of the 2nd Amendment. He obviously despises it since he wants to take from the People what he keeps for himself.

  6. LCB Says:

    …and take Dick Chaney to show him how it’s…um…done.

  7. Daniel in Brookline Says:

    For Obama to understand the 2nd Amendment better, first he should understand Freedom better. He doesn’t.

    So, no, I don’t think taking him hunting — or target shooting — would do much good. (A tour of military service, forcing him to think of causes bigger than himself, might have helped…)

  8. SPM Says:

    Da*n, hunting has about as much to do with the Second Amendment as banjos do with pork chops.

  9. Ron W Says:

    They like to talk about hunting because it’s a LICENSED activity typically done a few or several times a year and then the guns are unloaded and PUT AWAY where they are pretty much unavailable for self defense. The only thing hunting may have to do with the RKBA is that one may consider selecting a rifle or rifles which may also be used for hunting, such as getting a 5 rd mag for your .308 semi auto to substitute for your STANDARD CAPACITY mag for which to be legal for hunting.

  10. Mark Matis Says:

    For Obama to understand the 2nd Amendment better, he should get his opportunity to do the Mussolini dance. While swinging by his neck from a lamp post. With Ryan dancing alongside him. And every SS pig completing the chorus line on adjoining lamp posts.

  11. MajMike Says:


  12. Lyle Says:

    At first I took it to mean Obama should hunt for information, so as to understand the second amendment better.

    No; it’s unfathomable, that anyone would conflate hunting with the second amendment. It proves that someone hasn’t had the time to read that single sentence in the Bill of Rights. It’s proof that you are dealing with a person who’s mind has completely gone. You may spend a second or two mourning for the death of their brain, but then you must forget about that person and move on.

  13. DADVocate Says:

    The hunting/2nd amendment debate aside, hunting would take too much time away from Obama admiring himself in the mirror.

  14. Glenn Says:

    Obama should walk the streets of Chicago or even DC
    at 2AM without his security detail, or visit Siberia to understand Second Amendment better.

  15. countertop Says:

    1) I suspect the reference to hunting is directly tied to distancing Obama and Democrats from the huge numbers of hunters in Wisconsin. Telling him to go enter a 3 gun competition does nothing except appease less than 1% of the population. Pointing out that Obama doesn’t hunt (and his proposals, like that dog that doesn’t hunt, fails) is a brilliant political move.

    2) Having shot with Paul Ryan before, or rather stood there with my mouth agape as he effortlessly went back and forth from Beretta M9 to select fire M4, changing mags without missing a shot (and in the lives action video projected trainer we were in he was hitting his moving targets as well as anyone I’ve seen), I’m gonna come out and say a) he will school you in 3 gun and b) any doubts anyone has about Paul Ryan and guns are without any merit.

  16. countertop Says:

    More on why Paul Ryan (and indeed, Politicians) like to talk about hunting (and not 3 gun or even cowboy hunting)

    There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin. Allow me to restate that number: 600,000. Over the last several months, Wisconsin’s hunters became the eighth largest army in the world: more men in arms than in Iran. More than France and Germany combined. These men and women deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.

    That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan’s 700,000 hunters, all of whom have now returned home safely. Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world. And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states. It’s millions more.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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