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In South Carolina, there is a proposed bill that will require carry permit holder to put an identifying sticker on their license plates.

15 Responses to “Othering”

  1. Tim Says:

    Sound like they got some of that fancy-pants, Clinton-flavor, smurt-power.

    God speed, South Carolina. God speed.

  2. MajMike Says:

    My Benefactor Life Member NRA sticker isn’t enough?

  3. Robert Says:

    What the hell is wrong with your state senators, South Carolina? This is the second bit of dumbfuckery I’ve heard out of them today.

  4. Adam Lawson Says:

    “Let’s make it easier for crooks to figure out where they can steal guns from! I mean, other than when cops leave them in the shitter.”

  5. rickn8or Says:

    Like the stickers on Florida rental cars after “shall-issue” passed. The crooks figured anyone in a rental was from out-of-state and therefore unarmed.

  6. Divemedic Says:

    What if a permit holder owns more than one car? Will he or she be issued more than one sticker?
    What if they rent a car? Borrow a car, or are riding in a non-permit holder’s car?

    This is just stupid.

  7. Lawrence Dittoe Says:

    And 6 pointed stars maybe?

  8. Daniel in Brookline Says:

    If this happened in my state, I’d be tempted to counterfeit the stickers… and put them on every car in sight.

  9. Lyle Says:

    Why not the old standby, the yellow arm band?

  10. Huck Says:

    “Why not the old standby, the yellow arm band?”

    And a tattoo on the forearm.

  11. mikee Says:

    Click the link, read the bill. The sticker on the car license plate reads a lot like a “poison pill” to prevent passage of the rest of the bill, which actually reads pretty much as an expansion of firearm rights.

    What this looks like to me is a Republican proposing a pro-gun bill that contains this “poison pill,” insuring failure of the bill as it now reads. Either the final section about license plate stickers gets amended out, and the bill passes, or it stays in, and the bill fails. Must be some interesting internal party politics in SC these days.

    Just stupid Republicans being stupid Republicans. We are called teh Stupid Party for a reason, after all, and this is an example of that reason.

  12. Tirno Says:

    Since “the right to keep and bear arms” is the default position in this country, unless you’ve lost it through due process of law, the more reasonable way to do this is to require everyone that has been disqualified to have a sticker on their license plate.

    That way, you have to procure and manage less stickers, and you’re piggy-backing on an already established system.

    …and that’s why move in Washington state to make the CPL an endorsement on the driver’s license went nowhere, once the proposal was jiujitsu’ed around.

  13. Fûz Says:

    rickn8or: “the stickers on Florida rental cars after “shall-issue” passed.”


    Perhaps the legal definition of ‘concealed’ should include some verbiage to specify that the permittee shall not, and is under no obligation to, disclose the weapon, permit, or presence or existence thereof, in any time, place, or manner, except to and upon contact with a peace officer.

    I’m not a lawyer.

  14. Ravenwood Says:

    The amended code would read, “If a vehicle owner is a concealed weapons permit holder, the department shall affix a sticker to the vehicle owner’s license plate…”

    As the possessor of said license plate, I would simply un-affix said sticker. Seems pretty easy to defeat by the end user.

    Regardless, I agree with mikee above. I think it’s a poison pill.

  15. Patrick Says:

    SC also has a proposed bill that would require all citizens who wish to view “adult material” on a website to register with the state and pay a $20 fine. Otherwise all content unsuitable for children is blocked.

    South Carolina has either has something weird in their water, or is full of politicians (on both sides of the divide) who really, really like to control the lives of free people.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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