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The Army getting hollow points?

The Arms Guide reports that the contract with Sig calls for it. On the one hand, it’s good that they’ll be getting more modern ammunition. On the other, isn’t there some bizarre ban on them using HPs?

8 Responses to “The Army getting hollow points?”

  1. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    That would be the Hague Convention. The US isn’t a signatory to the hollow point ban.

  2. Fyooz Says:

    US adheres to hollowpoint ban nonetheless, but reserves option to use hollowpoint boolits where Hague convention doesn’t apply, and wants pistols that will feed HP as well as FMJ.

  3. MattCFII Says:

    The military has Mk243 available, which is a hollowpoint load issued stateside to each branch’s military polices and to the secret squirrels when needed. In general, it seems policy has been shifting away from FMJ, rationalized since we aren’t fighting traditional militaries right now. Part of the splash of the modular pistol specs was the ability to use hollow points.

  4. Bruce Says:

    I could be wrong but I thought the Hague Convention only applied to countries that signed it fighting other countries that signed it. How many of those have we faced in the last 100 years?

  5. SPQR Says:

    Bruce, two.

  6. Kevin Baker Says:

    I believe that non-uniformed combatants (e.g. ISIS, Boko Haram, etc. ad nauseam) are not protected under the Hague Accords. Shooting them with hollow point ammo with the hollow cavities filled with pig fat is perfectly legal.

  7. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    The US is not a signatory to the Hague Conventions. We also announced a year and a half ago that they will no longer abide by the convention

  8. CC Says:

    We’ve had them in inventory since at least the 90’s. I may have blown through 700 rounds of 147 grain subsonic 9mm HP’s while in the Jordanian desert. I may have had a good relationship with our battalion ammo tech.

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