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Speaking of going on offense

The NRA is ready to go on offense. I have no doubt. But as I said below, I doubt the Republican commitment to going on offense is all that strong. We shall see.

7 Responses to “Speaking of going on offense”

  1. Tim Says:

    Greatest effects can be acieved when liberal, douche, marxists are in total disarray. This window will not remain ‘open’ indefinitely.

  2. Steve R. Says:

    Washington State. Need some help here. Wouldn’t mind if you got off your asses.

    Same with Alan ‘the deal-maker” Gottlieb. You are here already. You might as well be on frikkin MARS as far as I can tell.

  3. mikee Says:

    The anti-gun laws instituted in CA, CO, NY, NJ, CT and elsewhere after the school shooting in Newtown are still in force, for the most part. Does “going on the offensive” include achieving, at a minimum, the repeal of some or all of these laws, to get us back to where we were at the beginning of the Obama administration?

    Or are the NRA efforts going to be to loosen restrictions in states already gun friendly?

    At the federal level, national CHL reciprocity, suppressors without NFA tax stamps, importation for public sale of US & foreign milsurp firearms and ammo, removal of the noxious “sporting purpose” rule, and so on will be nice, but if NY and NJ citizens can’t own a semiauto rifle with normal mags, maybe the NRA needs to push a bit harder on the state level as well as the federal.

  4. Ron W Says:

    @mikee, weave regressed to pre War Between the States day when now we have slave states again. Those which restrict to a few elites and deny the common people the basic human right of armed self defense are indeed, slave states. That’s in accordance with the majority opinion of the 1857 SCOTUS Dred Scott decision keeping black people as non-persons and therefore, slaves, lest “they be able to be armed everywhere they go”.

  5. Lyle Says:

    Strictly speaking, defense of liberty cannot be considered”offense” unless you’re viewing it from the authoritarian perspective. Get your mind right and you won’t be talking shit like that.

    Progressives and other authoritarians are, by definition, on full-time offense against liberty. When we defend ourselves, it is not correct to refer to such action as “offense” anymore than sending the police to arrest a bank robber would be considered offense. The robbers commit the offenses and, if we’re doing our jobs right, we’re defending against those offenses. Even if the execution of such an arrest warrant against bank robbers should require the aid of 100 militia with artillery and close air support, it is a defensive action.

    Only when we’ve been sitting on our hands like cowards, capitulating with the progressive anti-Americans for generations, can our eventual decision to defend ourselves be considered “offense”, and only as a relative term (compared to doing essentially nothing, or aiding and abetting, while giving ground).

    Still; one would require a mental association with authoritarianism to consider using that term. The authoritarian will consider any defense of liberty as an offense (against his feigned authority), but of course he’ll be in error much to his undoing.

  6. Michael Says:

    TBH, the generic Republican commitment to 2A is probably a hell of a lot stronger than the Cheeto Jesus. After the Orlando shooting, he was ready to sell us out and side with Schumer on that unconstitutional “watch list” ban. We need to keep the pressure us on his fickle, ignorant ass. Paul Ryan, I’m less concerned about.

  7. Viking1865 Says:

    “maybe the NRA needs to push a bit harder on the state level as well as the federal.”

    It’s the National Rifle Association, not the *Your State* Rifle Association.

    Good seeds will not grow in poisoned ground. I feel for our brothers in the hoplophobic states, but you do have the option of moving out of those states to different states or localities. Move from NJ to PA, from MA to NH, from CA to NV.

    With the GOP in control of the federal government, and the gun culture in this country riding high, now is the time to strike, to repeal the Hughes Amendment, pass the Hearing Protection Act, perhaps get the NFA tax lowered, rescind all the gun control EOs (hopefully the Russian ban in particular), etc etc.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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