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The party of smaller government

Six Republicans Who Voted for Obamacare Repeal in 2015 Sank the ‘Clean Repeal’ Bill Today. So, my senator, Alexander, is basically a liar.


7 Responses to “The party of smaller government”

  1. HL Says:

    And we still won’t be able to primary the as whole.

  2. Ravenwood Says:

    So he actually voted for the bill before he voted against it.

  3. Crotalus Says:

    The Repubs put forth numerous repeal bills, which Obama promptly vetoed, as they knew he would. Now that they have a president who will sign it, they will not pass one.

    All those bills they passed were nothing more than a dog and pony show for us. They want Obamacare as badly as the Dems do. They have revealed themselves as traitors of the people.

  4. Anon Says:

    If you want to stick it to the ‘the rich’ then you need to tax WEALTH, not income. Taxing income just protects the rich from the rising bourgeoisie. The focus on taxing income just destroys the middle class.

  5. wizardpc Says:

    Corker probably would have, too, if he weren’t up for re-election at the midterms

  6. Tokarev Says:

    I meet Alexander when I was 17. My first time voting was for his 1st term as Governor. Out of ignorance, I voted for him several times over the years before I learned that he is basically just a piece of shit. I stopped voting for shit years ago and just write any other crap in his place

  7. Sammy Says:

    Alexander is a career politician who represents big dollar lobbyists and not his home state, or county. He did not even win in his home county of Blount in the last election. Those folks know who and what he is.

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