The party of smaller government
“Hey, give us the Senate and we can do all this stuff”
“Uhm, actually we need the presidency and we can do all this stuff”
“Oh, you were serious”
Secret message after the jump
Muck FcCain.
“Hey, give us the Senate and we can do all this stuff”
“Uhm, actually we need the presidency and we can do all this stuff”
“Oh, you were serious”
Secret message after the jump
Muck FcCain.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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July 28th, 2017 at 5:56 pm
Fuck John “Wayne” McCain. He couldn’t carry John Wayne’s jockstrap. Should have died in Vietnam because he doesn’t give a shit about his country now.
July 28th, 2017 at 6:22 pm
Just gotta run the clock out at this point.
Fuck that guy.
July 28th, 2017 at 8:06 pm
Whenever I get a bit bothered by the incompetent, lying, corrupt and horrible Republicans, I just remember that Obama is no longer in office and that Hillary Clinton will never, never, never be president of the US.
There, doesn’t that feel a bit better?
July 28th, 2017 at 9:11 pm
McCain’t never could do anything.
Word is, there’s a good conservative woman ready to take his place.
Cain’t happen soon enough.
July 28th, 2017 at 9:29 pm
Very well said, mikee.
July 28th, 2017 at 10:55 pm
I hope he gets brain cancer!
Oh, wait…
July 29th, 2017 at 7:16 am
What the hell is the ‘give us the Senate’ nonsense?
The Senate hasn’t flipped yet. No reasonable person counts McCain, Lindsay, Collins, or Murkowski as conservatives. Be happy we got Gorsuch, despite the Senate being Democrat-controlled.
July 29th, 2017 at 9:19 am
@dustydog, Gorsuch is far, far better than what might have been, but a couple of SCOTUS retirements would really help too. That “swing vote” Kennedy and especially Ginsburg.
I recall when Trump was trying to be conciliatory in endorsing McCain when he was being primaried by Dr. Kelli Ward, a pro Trump conservative. These Washington elites don’t reciprocate good will.
July 29th, 2017 at 11:21 am
Ron W, that would be the good conservative woman I referenced of course, and that endorsement fuckup by The Donald was one of several of late.
DT won me over and I am a strong supporter (or did the sheer night terrors caused by the nightmares of a potential Beast presidency push me over?)…no I am a strong supporter of most of what he said he would do and has tried to do.
It can’t be easy being him, but he definitely has effed up in putting his faith in some bad people and places. Hope that improves so he can keep my support.
July 29th, 2017 at 8:56 pm
When the President of the US is calling conservative policies “mean”, and complaining they don’t spend enough money, you should realize he is the one giving left leaning Republicans cover for voting against conservative policy.
He could be spending some of his supposedly elite twitter skills actually pushing policy by making substantive arguments. Instead he is taking pot shots at Republicans.
He is the one to blame.
July 30th, 2017 at 12:41 pm
One aspect of the POSG is true to type, what Tam at VFTP finally admits is a “Gun Glut”. She’s even partly right about its cause.
But while the expectation of The Beast in the big chair was a driver of producers, wholesalers, and retailers gearing up and stocking up, that’s been going on for the better part of a decade. The tendency of the market to put supply ahead of anticipated demand has indeed glutted the market for much of that time but actual demand absorbed enough supply that all those three prongs of the industry kept expanding in a perverted version of “irrational exuberance”.
Until now. To riff on the commercial, “bubbles gonna bust, that’s what they do.” I took some heat for calling this more than a year ago, but I was seeing it from the inside of the retail prong, and even though the prospect of an anti-gun anti-Constitution anti-deplorable prog prez with balls to replace the one without them was a driver (and HEAVILY touted by the supply side), inventory levels had already started backing up with more buildup of the three prongs every day. And with the actual market largely satiated (have you SEEN that 10-year NICS chart?), it was a textbook example of the pendulum of actual as opposed to anticipated suppy/demand and the bubble pop would have happened albeit to a lesser and less immediate degree, even if the bitch had gotten the nod as expected.
Now as I’ve also said before, changes in regs and rules are pretty certain to up the market for heretofore artificially stunted materiel and a whole new supply/demand cycle will ensue, but cans can’t (heh) help absorb the millions of ar’s and glock clones that cram the warehouses and showcases right now…only reduced prices and disappearing profits will do that. And it will, there’s a demand for anything even when in oversupply if it’s cheap enough whether it’s guns or houses…which will take care of the glut in firearms themselves and through what will certainly be an accelerated attrition, the glut in the supply chain too…only the strongest will survive.
That’s just how capitalism works, and it’s ultimately a good thing. But don’t tell that to my buddy Tom, who after his 30-yr. retirement from LE sunk everything he had and everything he could borrow into a brand new 7000 sf state-of-the-art facility with a 2500 gun inventory, opening for business in October 2016. I did try to dissuade him for the whole year prior, much as I tried to tell blind investors in 2011 to stop having me order them 500-oz “monster boxes” of silver eagles when the crazed market had pushed them to over $50 per. Not that I’m any kind of guru; I in 40 years in those businesses never speculated or anticipated because there is way too much manipulation in every market. But I would have had to be blind not to see that something wasn’t right and was bound for “correction” as it were. Some lessons just have to be learned the hard way.
Anyway. “Gun Glut”. Regardless of the whens and whys, it’s a fact.
July 31st, 2017 at 12:52 am
@ Michael:
“When the President of the US is calling conservative policies “mean”, and complaining they don’t spend enough money, you should realize he is the one giving left leaning Republicans cover for voting against conservative policy.
He could be spending some of his supposedly elite twitter skills actually pushing policy by making substantive arguments. Instead he is taking pot shots at Republicans.
He is the one to blame.”
Care to elaborate on this? Do you have specific examples of what you’re talking about?
For the most part, the widespread derangement in the media over the last 6-18 months has caused me to largely tune it out: The leftists have lost their damned minds and are claiming that just about everything is evidence of Trump being #LiterallyHitler. On the other hand the people on the right are largely divided into three groups: The people who are determined to bloviate about how great everything Trump does is; the lazy libertarians who want to agree with the left on far too many issues (because they listen to intentions rather than actually researching causes), because they’re both constituencies that want to hang around smoking pot while contributing little to society*; and the slim minority that seems to actually be interested in reporting the news objectively.
I don’t have the time, patience, or desire to sort through the first two in order to find the last, so I’ve largely just tuned out as a result.
*I’m not an anti-drug warrior; I’m just pointing out that the libertarian party seems to put getting stoned ahead of things that are of far greater import, like actually winning elections and having a positive effect on government policy.
August 1st, 2017 at 1:04 am
Here are a couple of stories on his most recent comments:
This, of course is on top of his claims during the campaign that he supports the individual mandate, or his many claims prior to running that he supported universal healthcare.
Most of the detailed reporting I’ve seen on the back room healthcare negotiations indicate that he either doesn’t understand, or doesn’t care about the policy details, at all.
I too have gotten frustrated with the political reporting lately. I’m happy to praise Trump when he does something actually conservative without shooting himself in the foot, but that is rare and becoming rarer.