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Life in the future

So, democrats are tearing down statues of other democrats I guess to erase democrat history. Heh.

And there’s some people wanting to punch Nazis. While you’re at it, can you punch some fascists by punching antifa members?

Talk of civil war. Yeah, I know how I’m betting if that ever happens. And it won’t.

7 Responses to “Life in the future”

  1. HL Says:

    I am not so sure how we will do in a Civil War. We have jobs and a sense of responsibility and devotion to our family. I think we will likely have to see loved ones up against a wall before we will act.

  2. JTC Says:

    Those statues are no more of democrats than the Lincoln Memorial is of a republican.

    The incitements and violence are just fringe wackjobs vs. fringe mercenaries. The former are just wackjobs except to the extent some may be false-flag wackjobs, while the latter are on the payroll of leftist elites with very specific goals of obstruction and destruction, and with the complicity of their media, academics, celebrities et al.

    That is the new Civil War; it’s not about geography and there won’t be lines of blues and grays rushing each other with barrels blazing and bayonets bared. But it will be bloody and destructive far beyond that if it happens. For the sake of my kids I pray it doesn’t.

  3. Patrick Says:

    I’m betting that in a civil war the left wins, or at least takes significant ground. Guys on the right like to think the guns in their closet will save the Republic, except hardware doesn’t win a revolution – Revolutionaries win revolutions.

    The Left has all the experience with civil violence. The Left has the desire to engage in civil violence against innocent people. The Left is organized to gather and disseminate intelligence about targets, resistance (police) and opportunities to engage in civil violence. And most importantly, civil violence is a key component of Leftist ideology.

    You won’t get to stand watch with an AR and keep the Republic safe. Leftist armies are not going to line up and take your hill.

    Who are you going to shoot when Antifa merges Weather Underground with ISIS and decides to bomb a bus of kids going to a Christian school? The bombers will be 24 year old coeds who can blend into any urban center with ease. They won’t be wearing uniforms.

    We do not want a civil war. Our side would lose because we are simply not wired to do the things they do (a good thing). If you doubt my words, please spend a few minutes reviewing the 20th Century and Marxism.

    Again…the Left has the plans, the experience and the will to fight. We just want to be left alone. I know how I’m betting that turns out.

  4. mikee Says:

    Jeez, this is where I came in, growing up in the 1960s with the SLA and SDS and Cuban missile crisis!

    Who was it said history repeats itself?
    First time as a tragedy, second time as a farce!

    This is definitely the second time. Very much so.

  5. Lyle Says:

    All communists attempt to erase the past. The past carries too many indictments against communists.

  6. Will Says:


    It seems to me that you have made mistakes in interpreting history involving various Marxist actions, especially in relation to the people raised in the American culture.

    You are expecting them to act the same as those who lived under the typical repressive governments. There is a reason that the rest of the world looked at US travelers and military personnel and made the typical comment that “they don’t act/look like us, or anyone else”.

    Granted, the dramatic difference has been washing away over the last generation due to the Progressive influence on our culture, but we are still mostly different in how we think. The rest of the world’s people are raised to be peasants, essentially, whether 1st or 4th world category.

    In addition, no successful Marxist revolution has ever occurred in an armed society. They know damn well their intended targets must be disarmed first. These home grown fools might not be that well informed, though.

  7. Ron W Says:

    “All communists attempt to erase the past. The past carries too many indictments against communists.”

    Oh, but Lyle, we shouldn’t criticize communists. That’s “McCarthyism” don’tcha know!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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