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Your disappointment of the day

Deputy Who Failed to Engage Parkland Shooter Gets $104,000 Annual Pension for Life

8 Responses to “Your disappointment of the day”

  1. Big Mac Says:

    Can you say “Civil Lawsuit” , I doubt he’ll se a dime of it. it will all go to lawyers.

  2. Ravenwood Says:

    @Big Mac, courts have ruled again and again that the police have no duty to protect you. Any civil lawsuit would likely have to show gross negligence in order to prevail. That is a very high legal standard.

  3. Lyle Says:

    Let him take the money and choke on it.

  4. rickn8or Says:

    Lyle, I hope he hears those kids screaming the rest of his miserable life.

  5. Divemedic Says:

    That’s a high pension. I retired under the same pension system, and I don’t even get half that much.

  6. Tim Says:

    I am not a cop but I have worked with many. I have learned that as a first responder you have two priorities before you enter a risky and unknown scene. First is your own safety, no need for another body on the floor by doing foolish things. Second and more important is to communicate. He would of been the most familiar with the school and that his knowledge can be key to the incident commander. While I don’t know all of the details of this situation I can understand the departments policy for this officer to wait for back up before entering if he did not know where in the building the shooter was.

  7. Huck Says:

    Hell, I worked for over 30 years as a Fireman and helped save several lives, sometimes at risk to my own. But I only get half as much retirement pay as that chickenshit loser.

  8. DocMerlin Says:

    Big Mac, can’t happen. Cops are granted qualified immunity from their actions while on duty. You have to prove that what they did, they did out of “actual malice.” Note, cowardice is not “actual malice.” Furthrmore the SCOTUS has ruled that police have zero duty to protect, so cannot be sued for failing to protect.

    This is one of the few big exceptions to the rule of thumb, “you can sue anyone for anything.”

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