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Export ban killed

A ban proposed by James Moran to prohibit the export of 50 caliber rifles out of the country was killed. Speaking of Morans, the author of the piece (Andrew Taylor of the Ass. Press) writes:

The National Rifle Association and its allies in the House beat back an effort Thursday to restrict gun manufacturers’ exports of high-powered, .50-caliber rifles that can bring down jet airliners from a mile away.

So, Andrew Taylor you Moran, what do you press guys do? Just go to some anti-gun site and take their word for any ridiculous claim they make? Its almost impossible to hit a target that is a mile away, particularly when it is traveling over 400 MPH.

4 Responses to “Export ban killed”

  1. SayUncle : Quote of the day Says:

    […] ous Post | Main |

    Quote of the day
    |By SayUncle|

    Billll in comments: Has anybody noticed that, based on news reports from aro […]

  2. Chris Says:

    These idiots do my head in, they seem to assume opponents with zero intellect.

    I would take it as a given that any organisation that wanted one could obtain some form of surface to air capability.

    If the USA stops exports how hard would it be to walk one of these beauties south into Mexico, I hear that borders highly policed.

    Just another attempt to play the controlling big brother

  3. Billll Says:

    Has anybody noticed that, based on news reports from around the world, that the terrorists weapon of choice is the automobile?

  4. Jed Says:

    I’d love to meet the man who can hit an airliner from a mile away with a bolt action rifle.

    There’s a reason we put 6 or 8 .50 cal machine guns on our fighters back in the old days, and 20mm gatlings these days.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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