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Your daily dose


2 Responses to “Your daily dose”

  1. chris Says:

    according to the guy that is teaching my NRA instructors class next month, it wasnt all that bad of a meeting… he went apparently…

    I was there. It was the biggest snore-fest I ever attending regarding guns.

    First the good news: 5 of the 6 panelists were pro-gun, and the 6th owned guns!! (But he was a ranting liberal from Canada, so no guesses on his view).

    Bad news – They covered nothing of much interest.

    You’ll love this: The notice they hung up on the wall outside the meeting said “The discussion will be conducted by a panel of experts in the area of firearms and therefore are much more qualified than the average citizen…” or something to that effect. Problem was: They guys didn’t know squat about any of the hot-topics on guns.

    Good news: It was hosted by the school as just another B.S. activity for the kids to get school credits. None of the kids even seemed interested in being there, but if they listened, they heard all the ‘experts’ on the panel say:

    1) The right to bear arms is for real, and
    2) Honest people are not the problem, its the criminals that need to be addressed.

    So from that perspective, at least the kids weren’t filled with a bunch of anti-gun BS. It could have been a major victor for us if the panel had any idea what the hell they were talking about!!


    PS: The Pro-gun folks in the audiance about equaled the number of students there.

  2. Phelps Says:

    “A teenager is more likely to die from a gunshot than from all natural causes of death combined.” Know who said that? President Bush in 2003 on the Web site of Project Safe Neighborhoods. I used that in a story once and got slammed by legitimate gun owners.

    That was enough for me, because even if Bush did say it, it is still wrong. Unless, of course, you think dying in a car accident is natural.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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