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Told ya

I told you Naifeh would kill all the pro-gun bills. And he did.

8 Responses to “Told ya”

  1. drstrangegun Says:

    God Damn Memphis, and God Damn James Naifeh.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Hey, for once, it’s not Memphis, it’s Covington.

  3. wizardpc Says:

    For the next year, every time there is a robbery, rape, murder, or assault at a school, park, or restaurant, I’m going to send Naifeh a letter:

    This blood is on your hands, and yours alone.

  4. Dave D. Says:

    When is Naifeh up for re-election again and why can’t we stop that from happening? Which part of the state is electing him? West TN I suppose?

  5. wizardpc Says:

    just north of memphis, so keeping him from being reelected is a long shot. We’d do better to get conservatives elected and remove him as speaker.

    Or we could all move to covington and vote.

  6. Joe Says:

    My mother always told me if I didn’t have anything nice to say about someone, not to say anything at all…

    I’m sure Naifeh would make a perfectly good chum-slick for shark fishing if you ground him up finely enough.

    Yeah, that’s all the ‘nice’ I’ve got for this one…

  7. straightarrrow Says:

    After this twerp and some of the commenters on the linked page, the only comment of mine that came to mind is this, “I’ve always liked pussy, but it sure is unbecoming worn on men”.

  8. straightarrrow Says:

    If the above is just too ugly feel free to delete it. It was just the only thing I could think for about five minutes, so I sent it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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