Chicago Tribune Watch
As predicted, no coverage of the pro-gun rally in the Chicago Tribune. It’s a fine tradition to either not cover it or bury it. Meanwhile, if 12 anti-gunners listen to one crazy ass preacher, it’s front page!
As predicted, no coverage of the pro-gun rally in the Chicago Tribune. It’s a fine tradition to either not cover it or bury it. Meanwhile, if 12 anti-gunners listen to one crazy ass preacher, it’s front page!
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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July 14th, 2008 at 11:02 am
I attended the rally in Chicago. Its inception / initial planning began on March 20th as near as I can track down. The official announcement to people (including ISRA members) did not occur until around June the 20th.
4 weeks to get out the word…
It was pretty short notice. Illinois gun owners experienced what we can only call a media black out from most of the Chicago press. Certainly we did not get the coverage Jessie Jackson or Father Fleigler would get with with the normal 2-3 bus loads of shipped in people who get filmed screaming aloud. Spotty coverage @ 4-5 p.m. and nothing on the evening news. Nether the Chicago Suntimes or Tribune printed 1 drop of ink on the event.
It’s contested that the numbers of attendance were closer to 500.
The press was all contacted in advance and informed (you will find pictures of the press in links listed below) Heres a link from 1 station.
The and were the sponsors of the event. One private individual is trying to keep a record of all images, audio and video of the event which can be found here. It will be kept updated.
If you look thru the images you will see that we had a nice mix of attendees’ race, gender, age, and even life style choices. One speaker even represented pink pistols….
Suzanna did make a comment about the press: (loosely quoted from memory) “that they would search the crowd looking for 1 overweight man wearing camouflage, missing half his teeth and put him on the evening news rambling like a mad man.” Unfortunately the attendee’s did not fit that description as you can see from the images.
Suzanna Hupp was a great speaker and well worth seeing if you ever have a chance to do so. Truly a polite and generous lady to all who attended.
The first utube of her in a while :
The depressors refer to this ISP link:
This is how the state police protects our women here……
Illinois is one of the last 2 states with out any form of “Carry for protection” laws.
I just figured you might want to hear it from the horses mouth.
Chicago facts:
1968 Chicago bans the sale of handguns and handgun ammunition
1982 Chicago bans the possession of handguns
1994 Chicago bans so-called (but not really) assault rifles
2008 Washington DC SCOTUS rules that DC residents have a right to self defense. June 27th.
Its been 40 years since that many legitimate gun owners stood openly in the city and did not get arrested! I’m proud to have been one of them. We even took the chance to remove our grasp from our guns and religion for a few hours in order to attend the event.
July 14th, 2008 at 11:09 am
Some how I mucked up the links in the above post. I apologize.
Ill leave them cold.
Tv coverage :
Database of images, film, audio:
Hupp utube at the rally: ttp://
ISP woman’s protection thoughts:
July 14th, 2008 at 5:49 pm
TO: All
RE: Maybe…
…GUNS would get their ‘attention’?
It seems to work for the Islamists.
July 14th, 2008 at 7:05 pm
Observing these calm, happy, articulate people and then comparing their deportment with that of just about any leftist rally, let alone protest, and I’m left with this: Just who are the nuts out there?
Certainly not those legally seeking government recognition of an individual’s moral right to self-defense.
Perhaps that why the leftists want to ban guns: to keep them out of the hands of their peers.
July 14th, 2008 at 7:32 pm
An Open Letter of Apology to the Good Folk of Illinois From a Hoosier
July 14th, 2008 at 9:56 pm
I was there briefly. I had to work so I couldn’t be there the whole two hours. I’d say there were 500 people but a lot of people were milling in and out like me, so overall there were likely significantly more. I’m also an ISRA member.
July 16th, 2008 at 5:15 am
In the real world a protest at city hall doesn’t count if the press decides it doesn’t count.
Change the strategy.
Hold your protest rally in front of the Tribune and inform the politicians in advance.
Really, I can’t understand why all protest rallys aren’t done that way.