Another update
Apparently, comments now must be approved. That has been done. Sorry about all that.
Apparently, comments now must be approved. That has been done. Sorry about all that.
Today, this blog turned 21. I came by for a bit yesterday (for the first time in a while) and noticed it’s been infected with spam links. So, sorry about that. They links don’t actually show up but are embedded as bad code, it appears. I’ll try to fix it.
Anyway, hope whoever may happen by isn’t too annoyed and thanks for popping in.
Is this thing still on?
Seems like a pretty big deal to me that DC has been ordered to pay $5.1M to residents and non-residents who were arrested under their unconstitutional gun laws.
Given that this may have impacted 3,000 or so people, the number seems a bit low.
Claussen pickles
Toaster strudels
Quilted Northern (my preferred TP)
Pancake corndogs
Dried beans
Pickling cucumbers
Thai chilis
Hagen-Dazs rum raisin ice-cream
Ox tails
Pork shoulder
Chicken thighs and wings
Old Forester 86
Topo Chico mineral water
Tide pods
Cascade platinum dishwasher detergent
These are things that I buy regularly that are almost never in stock at the local grocer. Some I’ve found at Amazon.
What’s hard to find in your area?
Things I buy regularly that have gone up in price significantly:
Tomato soup is over $2
Canned salmon is near $5
Milk coming up on $6
Sliced cheese near $4.
I have a feeling more is coming.
A while back, I announced the release of SayUncles Patented Universal Sling System, or PUSS. It wasn’t really patented because it was just a rubber band. And kind of a joke. Well, maybe there was something to it because this SnugXling showed up in an ad the other day and I’m still kind of laughing. Granted, it uses velcro but same concept.
This website turns nineteen today. I just thought I should note that. Still not feeling up for writing much and have only marginally paid attention to guns or politics or much because in March, my house burned to the ground. Complete loss. The cause is undetermined and never will be but I suspect something in the attic.
But this ain’t a post about that, it’s a post about this: One of the things that I lost was years and years of handwritten recipes. Now, I can, generally, recall quite a few of them but not all. For some that require precise measurements, I need those. And some I’ve forgotten completely. I’ve done quite a few things that I had recipes for with success. Others, I’ve had to search the internet for close enough variations of mine. With that said
, I’m going to start posting those here from time to time so that I have them and maybe you guys will enjoy them too. No word on when I’ll be up on guns or politics, just not been into that since the passing of my wife and now this.
Also, I will post just the recipes (foreshadowing) not those longwinded, autobiographical pieces that pass as recipes these days because Google likes them that way. You know, just show the recipe. I and the rest of the planet don’t give two shits about that time you were in Tuscany and how this recipe takes you there. And, in an ironic twist, I will end this post with a recipe for creme fraiche:
1 pint heavy cream
2 tablespoons of cultured buttermilk
Combine in a mason jar and give it a stir. Cover the jar with a cheese cloth and leave on the counter for 24 hours. After 24 hours, put it in the refrigerator. Once it’s cold, it’s a creamier and more delicious sour cream. Oh, and if you like
, you can flavor it with herbs before refrigerating.
Can you help out a friend? I know what it’s like to lose a spouse. And I know it would have been much worse coupled with financial difficulties. So
I’ll be back soon.
Thank you.
The news
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 14, 2020
Still around. Just not felt the urge to comment on, well, anything. It’s election day and I’ll be glad when it’s over. I tire of all the BS political ads and the constant stream of supposed fact-checking that has overtaken social media.
Literally, I cannot look at a screen of any kind and not see political nonsense. And we’re in
, what, year 15 of this election cycle. It’s awful.
Anyway, you folks who live in areas prone to rioting and violence
, I wish you well tonight. Be safe.
This blog can vote. It turned 18 yesterday.
Joe has set up a petition to (p)rosecute district attorneys who charged Kyle Rittenhouse with murder under 18 U.S. Code 242
, i.e., deprivation of rights under color of law.
Just FYI, I’m still around and doing as well as I can as a single father. Not a lot of time to write when one is dealing with the details of death. It’s trying and my world is a bit upside down
, even 5 months later.
I’ll return. Not sure when. May be a while.
Of note, five years ago today I wrote: Lighting illegal fireworks with an illegal cigar because Independence Day.
Today, neither the cigar nor fireworks are illegal.
By now, you’ve all probably seen this story and seen this or a similar image:
Some times
, some gun nuts are dumb. And this was one of those times. One group decided that the two in the video were idiots because they obviously didn’t have training. Complaints include:
Pointing the handgun at people
Dude pointing the gun at his wife
Bad gun handling
Holding an AR like an 80s action movie extra
Holding a handgun like she’s trying not to get any on her
Finger on the trigger (uhm, she looked like she was ready to shoot so not calling her on that)
A2s are stupid
Taurus’s are stupid
The list goes on. And a lot of it is true. Sure, they could use training. But there are people like this all around. People who bought a gun during a panic buy; people who bought one because they thought it was a good idea; people who bought one because of some impending ban. This list goes on. They’re gun owners but not necessarily gun people.
But they saw a violent threat that had destroyed property and was trespassing. The crowd threatened them. And their dog. And they were having none of that. And no one go killed in the streets.
Even with little or no training
, a gun can still be useful.
Facebook: You can’t sell gun or gun related stuff on our platform.
Also Facebook: Here’s an ad to purchase an illegal firearm suppressor:
Once the pandemic started, things got weird. Suddenly, everyone was out of toilet paper. Store shelves empty. People doing without. Probably a surge in home bidet sales too. And hell if I know why. Personally, I wasn’t dropping any more deuces than usual. The same happened with cleaners and other paper products. At least that made sense.
Then, it was ground meat. Around here, I couldn’t find it. Fortunately for me, I have a meat grinder and that and some chuck and fat make ground beef. And a Boston butt, with some seasoning, can be turned into breakfast or Italian sausage. It only recently resurfaced.
Eggs went through the same cycle but I couldn’t find anything to run through the meat grinder to make them.
Then, I saw signs like this:
Not that big a deal. Just meant I couldn’t enjoy my occasional caffeine-free diet Coke.
One of my kids’ dumb-dick friends broke the control panel on the hot tub. The replacement part
, I was warned, was taking longer than the usual three days to get in and that it would take 10 days or so. It was ordered in May. It got here yesterday.
Chicken wings. Kind of a tradition here that, once per week, I make the kids chicken wings. They love them. I haven’t seen a chicken wing in a store in two months.
A friend of mine is in the furniture business. In April, his business was 15% of what it usually was. In May and June, it’s 150% of what it usually was. My home sales have been through the roof. My theory is everyone was stuck at home and realized they didn’t like the home or the furniture and they had the time to look around.
But the weirdest one to me was the day I couldn’t find pickles. Particularly Claussen pickles. My kids love them. Personally
, I prefer to make my own and do. But I couldn’t find any Claussen pickles. Or any other pickles that are kept refrigerated. I didn’t check the non-refrigerated kind at the store because we don’t eat those. But, really, pickles. Makes as much sense as toilet paper, I suppose.
I’ve been noticing it a lot lately. And, today, I decided to document all the virtue signalling I am subjected to. This started at about 8 am this morning and by 9:15, I saw all of this:
Wanting to be left out of all of it is not good enough.
Putting it together, I made a mistake of having the stock fold to the left side.
This seemed easier to operate but it also did the following:
*Hit the charging handle.
*Interfered with the sling.
*And it interfered with the grip.
SCOTUS Denies Cert In Pending 2A Cases. Roberts is the gift that keeps on giving
, isn’t he?
The strategy of winning at the courts seems to be failing.
In light of recent events:
“2,000 people joined NAAGA (National African American Gun Association – Ed) in 36 hours after George Floyd
,” said founder Philip Smith. “That broke our records. We’re getting a ton of folks from all over.”
The police show up to search an 11 year-old’s bedroom because some pearl-clutcher saw a BB gun during an online school meeting.
Graphic images at link, you’ve been warned. This looks more like a case against leather holsters to me.
Joe went and visited Soymalia err Veganzuela err Emo Jiwa err CHAZ err CHOP and has photos.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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