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A Tax on People Who Can’t Do Math

That’s what a lottery is. Mr. Hailey does a good job blasting an article in the Metropulse that tells us why we shouldn’t support the lottery. Well, I’ve pondered the issue at length and (of course) have formulated my own opinions. Most of which coincide with Mr. Hailey’s analysis. The issues surrounding the lottery tend to be these:

Some groups are just morally opposed to gambling. To which I say, then don’t play the lottery or gamble.

The liberal contingent at the Metropulse thinks that the lottery ‘exploits poor people.’ Well, no one forces poor people to play the lottery. It is again an example of the liberal tendency to take ownership of one’s actions and attribute it to other factors. This tendency essentially states that people aren’t responsible for what they do and we (the government) should just not place people in positions where they can make poor decisions. What a bunch of shit. So much for personal accountability. To paraphrase a reasonably famous quote:

It’s the government’s job to protect me from others. I’ll protect me from me, thank you.

So, I am for the lottery in theory, since it is a matter of personal responsibility and I have no moral qualm with gambling.

What I do take issue with is the lack of a specification in the law that the money goes to particular things only, like education. I think the law should absolutely specifically state that the money goes for:

Teacher salaries
Teacher salaries
Teacher salaries
University funding
Teacher salaries

Teachers are underpaid. It’s a separate issue but worth stating that I feel teachers should never live below the poverty line. We should take care of our teachers, soldiers, nurses, police officers, firefighters, and social workers. No veteran of the armed forces who served his country should ever be on food stamps! These folks collectively need raises. But I digress.

Even if the money was specified to go to the right things, I’m sure it wouldn’t take our politicians long to figure out how to exploit the law and funnel the dough to their special interests. But that happens anyway. Also, I think that if the lottery passes, then lower the fucking taxes! I pay entirely too much in taxes anyway. And the portion left over after that that I spend is taxed at 9.25%. But then our nation has been the victim of confiscatory taxes for years.

If there is any hope that the lottery will reduce my tax burden, then I am all for it. I just take issue with no controls that ensure the cash goes where it’s intended to go.

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