Blab Analysis
I spend too much time over at the Metroblab yakking about politics, society, the economy, the occasional joke, etc. This whole blabbing thing is interesting. I can pretty much tell what everyone is going to say before they say it as most blabbers are quite predictable. The interesting thing is that all the stuff that’s read on the blab is almost exactly what you hear our politicians say in debates. Plus you get the Libertarian and Green Party takes on things.
However, some things always hold true:
Several seemingly Republican blabbers blame everything on Clinton. Though some stuff is deserved, a bunch of it’s out there in space cadet land.
Several seemingly Democrat blabbers beat the dead horse over the 2000 election (seems they find one small fact in the big picture and only stick to it).
Several seemingly Green Party blabbers think that we’re fixing to invade Iraq because Exxon/Mobil is going to follow our aircraft carriers in and immediately start pumping oil out. After all, they think Dubya’s starting a war to make some oil money. And these people wonder why we don’t take them seriously.
The token Libertarian just likes to point out the flaws in the Democrats and Republicans. But then, when one of your candidates turned himself blue from drinking some sort of magic potion, how can you wonder why this party is not taken seriously. Mind you, I agree with several Libertarian positions on issues.
The fundamental thing wrong with the Blabbers is too much blind party affiliation. The other thing wrong with it is that discussions never seem to center around ‘what should be done.’ The conversations are always about ‘what so-and-so did wrong,’ ‘why such-and-such is an idiot,’ or ‘what random-blabber disagrees with so-and-so.’ And of course there are plenty of insults (I’ve given as good as I’ve gotten). And fluffy will tell you that I’m rather fond of informing people when they’re not saying anything that’s not already been said.
As an added bonus, the writers for the Metropulse periodically post. Of course, the usually spew the liberal agenda verbatim but what else would you expect.
Some Blabbers of note:
Yours truly
SKB – Yup, he posts periodically. Not real active in a great deal of debate though.
Kevin Knack Jr. – (my second favorite to argue with) Sharp guy, too wordy (he really takes you around your ass to get to your elbow sometimes). But he always guarantees an entertaining and stimulating conversation.
Angie – Everyone’s girlfriend, apparently. At least most of the guys there flirt with her.
LibertariansIn2002 – the token libertarian and a pretty sharp guy.
Old Hickory – Absolutely in every way follows the Democratic Party line, with the occasional splattering of conspiracy theory lunacy.
Seether (allegedly several other names too) – People call him Pirkle. I don’t know who the hell he is. Typically follows the Republican Party line, when he’s not just trying to piss people off. Likes to blame stuff on Clinton.
Halesia – Seems to be a Green Party kinda guy. Very intelligent but prone to buying some of the liberal conspiracy stuff. Also, will insult you at the drop of a hat when he runs out of things to say.
OIL_IS_GOD – Man, this guy is out there. Seems pretty sharp but thinks every thing the Republican Party does is motivated by oil money. Apparently believes conservatives are just absolutely evil in every way. His conspiracy theory meanderings are always amusing though.
Fluffy – (my personal favorite to argue with) Very bright person. A bit overly cynical of everything. And has largely liberal tendencies. But he has a sense of humor and argues intelligently.
Michael – Another sharp guy. Definitely left leaning but always has something fairly insightful to say.
Sympathizer – Allegedly he could be Seether. Don’t know though. But has definitely conservative tendencies.
So, given my conservative tendencies, I have a lot against me when I blab out there. Assuming Seether and Sympathizer are the same guy and both are more focused on pissing people off, I’m almost the only one out there arguing the conservative side. Makes me wish I had better debating skills.
I’m sure I’ve left some regulars off the list but man there’s a lot of them. Be assured it’s not personal.