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From the Everyone Else is Doing It Department

Tim Blair is calling on the blogosphere to show the poet laureate we can do better. The laureate (why is that even a real title?) wrote this bunch of crap about the US and Iraq, or something:

They read good books, and quote, but never learn
a language other than the scream of rocket-burn.
Our straighter talk is drowned but ironclad:
elections, money, empire, oil and Dad.

So, I (not being poetic at all, but more of a smartass laureate) have delicately composed the following:

All they do is piss and moan
When we offer help, we’re met with groans
But when the shit hits the fan
They’ll say ‘Please, come save us from ourselves, again.’


Europeans claim we’re intellectually inferior
It’s just our military that makes us superior
They complain our culture isn’t quite as topnotch
But our biggest export to them is fucking Baywatch

Yup, I nominate me as America’s Smartass Laureate. I just need to figure out what a laureate is.

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