I don’t have a right to work
Nope. Apparently, the state allows me to provide for my livelihood and it is a privilege. I got notification the other day that because I am awaiting my CPA certification, I am subject to a Professional Privilege Tax of $400 per year (yes the link says $200 but the link is old), in addition to licensing requirements of $100 per year. So, it costs me $500 per year just to engage in my chosen profession.
I reviewed the law and noted the following professions had to pay this tax:
investment advisors
landscape architects
osteopathic physicians
speech pathologists
sports agents
Explain to me why in Tennessee sports agents have to pay this tax but agents for entertainers do not? I suppose it’s bad business to tax folks that represent our country music industry. What about other licensed professions? Social Workers? Truck Drivers?
I’m still awaiting the breathing tax!
April 30th, 2004 at 9:53 am
I too am among the priviledged in TN. I have been writing letters for years about this – contacted attorneys- and just complained. I am told that This tax goes back to the days of medicine men coming into TN and has had many challenges and been upheld. The tax is discriminatory in that some people in the same industries are taxed and others are not. I have been told repeatedly that I am among the highiest paid professionals in TN. This is a tax on the rich. Most people in my profession begin in the high $20K to low $30K. This was originally a tempory tax to help hospitals: however the funds go into the general fund so that the wisdom of the great electorate can decide where they ultimately are used (sort of reminisecent of the Social Security Tax). My wife is angry enough about this that she wants us to move out of state. I’m about ready to agree with her! The air tax may be next watch what you say! Actually we have it in the form of the emissions testing! Which also is selective in who pays. None of the bedroom communities who come into the city and polute the air with their SUV’s have to pay. We will have a hard time winning on this one or any other!