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Whiteside update

Heard on the radio this morning an interview with Mr. Whiteside (the victim of racism in our fair city). He told the radio guy that his neighbor (the bigot) was using the racial epitaphs in front of the police and in front of the press. The radio guy’s response was basically that he couldn’t believe people still did that stuff in 2003. Mr. Whiteside states that he and his family are going to move. Mr. Whiteside, of course, should not move but he does fear for the safety of his 6 and 10 year-old children.

Mr. Whiteside stated he’d been contacted by national media outlets who want to cover the story. Another embarassment for Knoxville.

An interesting note is that the radio guy played Grandmaster Flash’s White Lines as the introduction to the segment.

Hang in there Mr. Whiteside! Don’t move. This incident is another big fat blemish for Knoxville. Bah!

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