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Good News!

Last night I was watching TV and there was a new CALLATT commercial. It sucked just like they all do. The good news is that Carrot Top wasn’t in it. I can’t stand that guy (or the Dell kid and the Dell interns; Geez, they are annoying as Hell). I hope this is the end of Carrot Top’s stint as the CALLATT spokesman.

These CALLATT commercials are annoying and they’re on all the time. It got me to thinking though, it has probably been over twelve years since I’ve made a collect call. Does anyone still make collect telephone calls? We have cell phones, email, and other forms of mass communication that are cheaper. Who makes collect calls? I can’t tell you the last time I even used a pay telephone. I guess collect calls are big money to warrant that much commercial time but I don’t see how.

One Response to “Good News!”

  1. vera Says:

    Hey Say Uncle-

    I was pondering the “who makes collect calls question” the other day after seeing yet another 1-800-CALL-ATT commercials. I finally came up with a market. People in or going to be in PRISON! I’m convinced that must be the biggest (if not only) collect call market.
    Yep, that’s about it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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