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Gun Permits and Booze

Groups representing the state’s restaurants, hotels and motels are not terribly happy about a new proposal that would allow people with gun permits to carry their weapons into places where alcoholic beverages are served, even though they would be prohibited from drinking.

As someone who has a carry permit in the State of Tennessee, I’ve pondered this for a while. The proponents of the bill say that it’s for safety, as a gun is more likely to be stolen from a vehicle parked in a restaurant parking lot than a person. The bill also provides that people packing in restaurants can’t drink.

My solution to the problem would be basically the same as the rules for drunk driving. I think that allowing people to carry into establishments that serve alcohol would be fine. But if a person is carrying while intoxicated, they should be subjected to the same (even stiffer) penalties of those driving while drunk. As it stands now, a permit holder can have a gun in his possession and be legally drunk. Unless this person is driving or in a place where he is forbidden from carrying (government property and places where alcohol is served), he’s not violating the law. That seems a bit ludicrous. I think it should be illegal for a person to be in possession of an arm while drunk. We don’t want drunk folks packing pistols while walking the streets. Of course, I’m certain such a person would be charged with some combination of public intoxication and reckless endangerment. I do, however, doubt that is enough.

Don’t drink and pack!

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