Archive for April, 2003

April 03, 2003

Good News!

Last night I was watching TV and there was a new CALLATT commercial. It sucked just like they all do. The good news is that Carrot Top wasn’t in it. I can’t stand that guy (or the Dell kid and the Dell interns; Geez, they are annoying as Hell). I hope this is the end of Carrot Top’s stint as the CALLATT spokesman.

These CALLATT commercials are annoying and they’re on all the time. It got me to thinking though, it has probably been over twelve years since I’ve made a collect call. Does anyone still make collect telephone calls? We have cell phones, email, and other forms of mass communication that are cheaper. Who makes collect calls? I can’t tell you the last time I even used a pay telephone. I guess collect calls are big money to warrant that much commercial time but I don’t see how.

It’s not a good idea to try this now

Passengers of a Greyhound bus travelling on I-40 to Knoxville Thursday morning tackled and subdued a man who was threatening the driver with a knife.


I heard this ad on the radio this morning that basically stated that Senate Candidate Kilby had used his status as Morgan County Executive to threaten local policemen who were investigating incidents involving his relatives. The KNS has more. The ad was paid for by some Republicans.

Civil Liberties Watch

Oregon Law Would Jail War Protesters as Terrorists

Gun show watch

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled a district judge was wrong in ruling that a county law that prohibited a gun show in Maryland should be struck down.

The law, passed by the county council in May 2001, denies county support to any organization that “allows the display and sale of guns” at one of its facilities.

The case began in the spring of 2001 when Frank Krasner, owner of Silverado Promotions, applied to host his biannual gun show at the Montgomery County (Md.) Agricultural Center. The center turned him down, saying that under a new county law, it would lose county money if it approved the show.

But county attorneys argued that only the agriculture center was affected by the threat of lost funds, and only it had a right to sue — not the gun groups.

One bright spot was that gun shows have continued in the county.

April 02, 2003

Arbitrary War Update

Saddam says: Victory is at hand! Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t know which hand. Or even what victory means, really.

De Genova is in hiding after pissing off just about everyone in the country.

The Republican Guard can now be safely picked up with a Dustbuster. On a related note, it is good with butter or jelly on it (toast, get it?).

Another chopper is down. Why do so many of these things seem to crash?

US troops are close to Baghdad. It’s all over but the running and hiding part.

Useless PC crap

A result of political correctness is that, essentially, a group of the minority impose their will on a majority. It’s actually probably worse than minority oppression by the majority.

Anyway, police in San Francisco were barred from wearing bandannas that were patriotic because it may offend someone. Of course, such bandannas should have been barred because they were out of uniform. It’s all in the presentation.


In East Texas, gun sales are up since the war. I wonder what the national numbers are? Probably comparable. Somehow, Mr. Du Toit is responsible for this.

Oh, those pesky wealth redistributors

The Living Wage Campaign is at it again. This time, instead of proposing taking from some to give to others, they’re upset that our fair city is going through budget cuts and freezing wages. Sorry folks, but it is not economically viable to pay $19,500 to a burger flipper. If fast-food did that, there’d be no fast-food.

April 01, 2003

Amusing Spat

OW says Foxnews is like Al Jazeera. LGF doesn’t like it. And the battle of words ensues. By my count, it appears to be LGF: 3, OW: 1. Can’t we all just get along?


Blogger is back up. Let the April Fools begin.

Take your hit for security

If someone asked me if there was a Justice Department proposed DNA Database, I’d say Yup.

That was my Dave Barry impersonation.

Another hat tip to UnknownNews.


A while back I posted this. Now, there’s more:

Tax author, radio host and IRS gadfly Irwin Schiff argues his reading of statutes and Supreme Court decisions such as Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R. Co. (240 US 1, 1916) have convinced him that paying income taxes on domestic wages is voluntary for most Americans.

Why? Because if such a tax were made mandatory it would be an unconstitutional direct tax as currently enforced, under Article I of the Constitution, Sections 2 and 9, which still stipulate that direct taxes must be apportioned among the states by population. (Those sections were unaffected by the 16th Amendment, as the high court found in the aforementioned Brushaber case, as well as in Stanton v. Baltic Mining, [1916], and Cook v. Tait, 265 U.S. 47 [1924].)

But wait, there’s more:

In federal court in Las Vegas on March 19, U.S. District Senior Judge Lloyd George ordered Schiff to stop giving lectures, and to stop selling his latest book: “The Federal Mafia: How the Government Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes.”

Now, get back to watching the war.

Thanks to UnknownNews.

No kidding?

Raid Finds al-Qaida Tie to Iraq Militants. Of course, other people have been all over this already.


So, is this for real? Or is it April already?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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