Archive for May, 2003

May 05, 2003

Geez, it’s still there

Bubba pointed to this three days ago. Today, it’s still there. Those Daily Times guys should hire an editor or something.


The Mrs. and I awoke this morning to the loudest thunder I’ve ever heard. Apparently, there are now tornado warnings. One of those Emergency Broadcast things just came over the airwaves (they always scare the crap out of me) even though it doesn’t seem to be that bad here. My idea for a new tourist slogan:

East Tennessee, we overreact because nothing really ever happens here.

May 02, 2003


A town in Utah requires the head of every household to have a gun, like the town in Georgia. It’s one thing to exercise your right to bear arms, and another to force it on people. Then again, all citizens are part of the militia according to United States Code.

More Tax Stuff

A while back I ranted about Tax Fallacy. Now, some other good questions about taxes:

First John Ray (blogger links suck, scroll down to THE DOUBLE TAX INJUSTICE) comments on why (even though Alan Fucking Greenspan says cuts won’t help the economy) tax cuts are needed. I might add to the list because Americans pay too damn much, regardless of their wealth level.

And The Comedian weighs in with why both sides of the tax debate skip a vital step. (blogger links, scroll down to Skipping Steps). And he explains why he is called Alan Fucking Greenspan.

Separation of Church and State

Davidson County Sheriff’s are using inmates to build a playground at a local church. I personally don’t have a problem with this idea so long as other non-profit organizations are equally considered for getting the use of the free labor. Otherwise, there may be a constitutional problem with it.

”Any nonprofit entity, whether it be religious or nonreligious, can call the sheriff’s office and receive the service on a first-come, first-served basis as long as they have the inmates and the number of hours left,” Ray said.

Records provided by the sheriff’s department showed that the program had done work for three other churches in the past year

Of course, the article doesn’t mention how many non-churches have received the benefit.

Small fish, big pond

The headline reads: State Lottery Becomes Hot Topic in Knoxville Mayor’s Race. Of course, our mayor would have no say-so in the lottery legislation and the only thing our mayor would do is beg for some of the money. At least that’s what I would think.

The real story is that Bill Haslam’s company (Pilot Oil) has apparently been trying to get commissions on lottery sales tickets to retailers raised, according to Rogero.

A Quickie About the Bush Speech

He reiterated his post 9/11 stance that any country harboring or supporting terrorism would be confronted. Hey Dubya, what about Saudi Arabia? Since you brought it up, and all that.

Also, on NBC the cameraman found the two Middle Eastern looking soldiers and spotlighted them for a good few seconds.

The City, My The City

KNOXVILLE MAKES TOP 10 POLLUTION LIST Actually, it’s number nine.

May 01, 2003

Homeland Security Gets Local

Joe Tarr of the Metropulse asks: So what does Homeland Security mean to the average Knoxvillian? The short answer: Nothing really. He does do a rundown of the local agencies involved and some of the money.

Same story, new excuse

Lautenberg, D-N.J., proposed legislation Wednesday that would give police more time to check the backgrounds of prospective gun buyers when the nation’s security level is “elevated,” as it has been for the past 13 months.

Well, we already restrict other amendments in the name of security. What’s one more? [I wish there were HTML sarcasm tags].

The potential problem of refusing to sell guns by claiming the background checks are held up is very likely and easily abused. Looks like the Democrats are preying on fears as well.

The Four Truths

We all pay taxes. We all die. All of us think we’re good drivers. And the Jazz will never take it all. Possibly Malone’s and Stockton’s last season. Bummer. Those two guys are amazing.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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