Big Brother In A Box
I’ve speculated in the past that the entertainment industry is slowly implanting the notion in the heads of US citizens that infringement of our civil liberties is OK, as long as justice is the outcome. I don’t think that it is intentional, but it’s good entertainment. We like to see David Caruso violate the fourth amendment to solve a case about a child murderer. After all, the murderer deserves it.
Now, we have this new show about Homeland Security called Threat Matrix. I’m sure the theme for that will be along the lines of 24 and other cop dramas that are Ripped from the headlines. By the way, Ripped from the headlines is code for we don’t want to pay writers to actually think of things that we can just steal from real life and add our own touch to it. The same premise as The Left West Wing. And I am certain there will be plenty of scenes that acclimate us to the idea that It is for our own good to be strip searched and have our doors knocked down by a battering ram at 3 in the morning.
Again (so you don’t think I’m a conspiracy loon) I don’t think it’s intentional, but it makes for good entertainment when the good guys win. But the effect on society will be apathy with respect to keeping police power in check.