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The Results Of Public Education

A graduate wanted to sing a religious song at the ceremony. The school said to replace the word God. The student sues. They settle and she can sing her song but can’t give her religious sermon. One of my favorite sites reports on the issue. Then the high school student responds to the report. Read the whole thing to understand what’s wrong with education these days.

A few notes (the always engaging HHH were more polite in their response):

The clueless “educators” were violating my free speech.

Or were they not respecting an establishment of religion?

We are living in America, not Iran. America is a nation that presupposes a God who created us and sees us. Maybe you should retake your high school government class and be reminded what the First Amendment really means, and what the founding fathers meant it to be.

Maybe high school government is teaching wrong things. Our founding fathers were mostly deists (I’m certain high school government didn’t teach her that). They did assume God created but they also very specifically left God out of government. When you put God in government, that is equivalent to living in Iran.

Keep your God out of the government and it’ll keep government out of your God. Religious ideals do not belong in secular government. Period.

No citizen in America, no matter the religion, should have to put up with religious descrimination (sic).

Aside from running spell check, another lesson that high school government failed to teach her is that her rights end where others begin. They were preventing themselves (by approving her speech) from infringing on the freedoms of others.

I think she should retake that government class or sign up for SayUncle 101.

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