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Public Service Announcement

I am a petty man. All this Do Not Call stuff reminded me of how much I hate junk mail. I thought I’d share just how petty I am.

Each time I get a credit card application or some other variety of junk mail that has a postage paid return envelope, I take all contents of the envelope and I rip them to shreds. I then place the shreds into the postage paid return envelope (which will be paid by the company sending me the junk mail), attach a note that says Please Recycle and place it in the mail box.

Every time someone sends me junk mail with a return envelope, it costs them 26 to 37 cents. I encourage everyone to do the same. If all 300 million of us did it, we could bankrupt the junkmail industry.

5 Responses to “Public Service Announcement”

  1. CJ Says:

    That’s brilliant!

  2. AlphaPatriot Says:

    I take my heavy-duty siccors, cut up an old issue of a magazine like Guns & Ammo, and stuff the envelope until I have to tape it shut. Then I drop it in the mail. Paper is heavy. I particularly like doing this with those “please help us save the environment/whales/whatever” pleas from the Sierra Club and organizations of their ilk.

  3. The Comedian Says:

    I’ve been doing this for years, and I just a while back found out that my co-blogger (and real world best-man) Tuba Boy does the same.

    I smell a poll…

  4. SayUncle Says:

    The revolution starts!

  5. SayUncle : Broad national support Says:

    […] ublic support for a National Do Not Mail Registry. I should also point out what I do with junk mail: Each time I get a credit card application or some other var […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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