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Going on the offensive

With the demise of Mr. Davis, it is to be expected that he will be a martyr for gun control. But following typical gun grabber doctrine, the rules don’t apply to him. His organization’s desire for . . . no more guns to fight wars and no guns to kill children wasn’t even followed by Davis. He was known to carry a gun himself. He was even accused of waving his gun around his opponent’s campaign workers.

Good thing he’s not the martyr that gun controllers are looking for.


“The system killed my brother,” he shouted. “Just the same way they killed Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, the system knew that my brother would continue fighting for the betterment to stop violence. That’s who killed my brother. The system.”

The system?

Also, Askew (the shooter) had a gun license. All these politicians packing while the average New Yorker can’t even get a gun without paying almost $600 in fees before buying a gun.

One Response to “Going on the offensive”

  1. Drake Says:

    Of course, the anti-gun folks will forget that the deceased ushered in the assailant past security. Surely following existing rules wouldn’t have helped would they?

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