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First there were 9 losers

Now there are 10 losers. And by losers, I am predicting the Democrats have no chance of winning the presidency in 2004. I’d bet one cold beer on that.

12 Responses to “First there were 9 losers”

  1. TnMale Says:

    I can’t wait to see the first presidential press conference end with ” Beam me up Scotty!”

  2. Barry Says:

    Just remember, at this point in the 1992 Presidential race (i.e. summer 1991), nobody was giving the Democrats a real chance either. GHW Bush was going to continue basking in the post-Gulf-War-I euphoria and hadn’t yet been called on the carpet about the economy.

    A whoooooolle lot can change in the next year-1/2.

    BUT, and this is a big but. I do think that unless there is a brand new Democratic candidate that enters the fray (i.e. Clinton coming out of the woodwork in ’91), the only thing that will help any of the current candidates is a big blunder by Bush, or something else really bad that happens to America (i.e. economy, terrorism, another succesful season of “Fear Factor”).

    And that, friends, is not a good thing for any of use – Republicans, Democrats, and the great unwashed in-betweeners….

  3. SayUncle Says:

    So, are you taking my bet? 🙂

  4. Barry Says:

    No, because it’s sortof like playing Fantasy Baseball. I may have Randy Johnson, Woody Williams, Curt Schilling or Kevin Millwood as my starting pitchers, but it’s tough to root for them to win if they’re playing the Braves..;)

    As long as it looks like the Bush administration seems to be improving the economy, keeping the world situation from markedly deteriorating and there are no more major cuts in civil liberties, I’d have to assume they’re doing a pretty good job and not want to upset the apple cart, so to speak.

    And that is a major admission from a liberal who still believes the 2000 election was unfairly won and that Republicans are too self-absorbed and beholden to big business to hold public office.

  5. kevin Says:


    I will take that bet. Bush loses on every issue, including security, and if the Dem candidate can chip away at his undeserved “regular honest guy” image, he is going down.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    You assume that Democrats have positions on issues. They don’t. Their entire position is that the republicans are wrong.

    Mind you, I’m not voting for him (at least not yet). I’m considering voting for this guy.

    Or writing in the Reynolds/Lucas ticket. 🙂

  7. kevin Says:

    “You assume that Democrats have positions on issues. They don’t. Their entire position is that the republicans are wrong.”

    Ohh, what a load of nonsense. You know as well as I do that the Dems came up with HS, that Edwardsa, Gephardt, Dean, Kerry, Liberman all have rather detailed health plans, and almost all of themmhave rather detailed economic plans (not sure bout Libermann. His website is a mess), most of them have foreing policy plans published. And so on. Just becasue you do not agree with them does not mean they do not exist.

    There is zerto truth that the Dems are just “NO!” to the Repubs. Yeah, they aren’t always the best at getting their views out, but when the House Dem leadership has a news conference laying out their economic plan and no one comes to cover it, its not entirely there fault.

    Would a Reynolds press conference consist of answers like “Well, Volokoh says ‘The Dems are completely wrong about everything’. Indeed. Next question?”

  8. SayUncle Says:

    I think there is some truth to what you said but not because of your reason. I don’t think the press is paying attention to the issues you mention and the media is focusing on areas where the Bush administration is strong (security, tax cuts).

    With a war in iraq, health plans get minimal coverage. I think the media is portraying the Dems as the No party and to an extent the media is right.

    And yes i do think the Dems are wrong about healthcare, economy, and foreign policy. But that’s beside the point.

    As for an instapundit press conference, that’s a fine idea for a humor entry 🙂

  9. Manish Says:

    To a certain degree, the party that isn’t in power is the NO party to the party in power. This was also true in the Clinton years..the only exception that comes to mind was the Contract with America during the midterms way back when.

  10. Drake Says:

    The difference being that in 92, there was Ross Perot. No such millstone for Bush, Jr.

  11. Barry B Says:

    Wow Uncle one whole beer that Busch will not be heaved out of his office?
    pReznit toast for brains is spending August in Texas. What is the problem? Didn’t remember to get the reservation in at the beach or someplace pleasant? Or was it not hot enought in Hell? I guess it keeps the press from asking too many more embarassing questions.
    You have such overwhelming confidence in your candidate I am just sorry I am alergic to beer.
    But I think you have it right. Bush is worth no more than one cold beer.

    How about something real like one of my world class subwoofers manufactured by Wilson Audio
    that sells for $22,500 with cross-over for anything you want to put of worth one half that value. And we don’t even know who our candidate is yet I am that confident of victory like last time no matter what.
    What was that phrase? Put up or go guzzle that beer by yourself.

  12. SayUncle Says:

    I don’t know who my candidate is yet either. If you had read the comments above, you’d know that Bush isn’t it (yet) and you’d also know that i’m leaning towards Badnarik.

    As it stands, hands down, the Dems can’t beat Bush. As the sane barry pointed out, a lot can change between now and 2004.

    As for you claim about my bet being insignificant, it’s a gentlemen’s bet. Something i don’t think you’d quite understand.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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