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Lean Left is Down

My buddy Kevin over at LeanLeft is experiencing technical difficulties and unable to post. Since he’s unable to blog for a couple of days, I will step in and pitch hit. Here’s what you’re missing:

Bush is evil.
Rove is eviler.
Ashcroft is the evilest.
Republicans are bad, uhhmkay.
The Iraq thing isn’t going so well.
The Bush administration is up to some nefarious plot.

You have been updated.

14 Responses to “Lean Left is Down”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    Tune in tomorrow for more riveting news:

    – I love John Dean so much I want to have his baby
    – We should have left Iraq alone, but now we should definitely invade Liberia
    – Foreign country disagrees with America; Foreign country must know something we don’t
    – Bush stated something which later turned out to be factually incorrect, maybe

    With all of the geniunely bad things the Bush administration is doing, the stereotypical left hardly ever calls him on it. For instance, Bush is treating the military like crap. Of course, the left doesn’t like the military anyway, so what do they care?

    I voted for Clinton twice, and even I think that Democrats have had one big pity party ever since the 2000 elections.

  2. SK Bubba Says:

    I dunno, I think Democratic Veteran and SKB have mentioned Bush’s treatment of Veterans on more than one occasion.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled program of Bush bashing and witty partisan retorts.

  3. SK Bubba Says:

    P.S. Here’s a story from a sicko lefty about one of those military people we hate so much. one of those military types we hate so much

  4. SK Bubba Says:

    P.S. Here’s a story from a sicko lefty about one of those military people we hate so much. one of those military types we hate so much

  5. Les Jones Says:

    Bubba: don’t go confusing the stereotype.

    I think some of it is a generational thing. Vietnam forward, there was very little support from the Democrats for the military. In the current pool of candidates, Lieberman is the exception, which is one reason I like him.

    PS. I meant Howard Dean in my post above. Seeing that Nixon documentary the other night had me thinking of John Dean.

  6. SK Bubba Says:

    No, Les, during Vietnam us Democrats wanted our military sons, brothers, and fathers home in one piece instead of a body bag. Find another stereotype.

  7. SK Bubba Says:

    P.S. Does participating in honor guards to play Taps at the funerals of East Tennessee Marines killed in Vietnam as you try to keep your composure upon hearing the sobs of their mothers and fathers count as “support”?

    Of course, you are probably certain it was all one could do to keep from running over and spitting on their graves and telling their mothers their sons were baby killers and murderers, right?

  8. Les Jones Says:

    We’re way off on the wrong foot here. I meant democrats in terms of the leadership, not in terms of the membership. My apologies for the confusion.

  9. Justin Says:

    They are so goddamn defensive when we call them on the mat but they raise holy fucking hell when they criticize the “nutso evil big oil new world order” conservatives arnt they?

  10. SK Bubba Says:

    Well, Justin, we try to bring at least a few facts. Where are your and Les’s facts regarding Democrats who hate and don’t support folks in the Military?

  11. Les Jones Says:

    Bubba: my man Clinton (I voted for him twice) was the first president who didn’t serve in the military. He sat it out in Oxford. That made him extraordinarily uncomfortable with the military. It’s my theory that his discomfort was one reason he didn’t respond more forcefully in some situations (Somalia, Bin Laden, etc.). His decision to move decisively in Kosova and (belatedly) against Bin Laden came late in his second term.

    Bush’s military career is controversial, but he at least joined up.

    Of the current crop of Democratic presidential hopefuls, only four (Lieberman, Kerry, Edwards and Gephardt) supported the war. Lieberman is the only one I know of who has enthusiastically supported the war, which is why I like him. I’m prepared the be educated if I’m wrong, as Edwards and Gephardt haven’t gotten much press and I honestly don’t know much about them.

    Kucinich wants to cut military spending, even in the present environment where we have troops overseas.

    I’m not some sort of nutjob, idealogue, Dittohead Bush booster. I didn’t even vote for the guy. (I gave a protest vote to Nader.)

    For instance, I think Bush is being an idiot with his lack of support for the troops. These are links I’m running next week, but SayUncle readers get them early:

    And this one, which I’ve run previously:

    Add a link to Bush’s plans to cut VA benefits, and it starts looking like a major movement by the Bush administration to piss off the military while we have over a hundred thousand troops overseas in hostile areas.

  12. Barry Says:

    Just remember, at this point in the 1992 Presidential race (i.e. summer 1991), nobody was giving the Democrats a real chance either. GHW Bush was going to continue basking in the post-Gulf-War-I euphoria and hadn’t yet been called on the carpet about the economy.

    A whoooooolle lot can change in the next year-1/2.

    BUT, and this is a big but. I do think that unless there is a brand new Democratic candidate that enters the fray (i.e. Clinton coming out of the woodwork in ’91), the only thing that will help any of the current candidates is a big blunder by Bush, or something else really bad that happens to America (i.e. economy, terrorism, another succesful season of “Fear Factor”).

    And that, friends, is not a good thing for any of use – Republicans, Democrats, and the great unwashed in-betweeners….

  13. Barry Says:

    Oooops. Sorry, the comment above was meant for the previous post…

  14. kevin Says:

    All I have to say to Les is: your poosts speak more too your own prejudices and willingness to indulge them than my writing.

    SU. I would never use the word eviler. The correct phrase is “more really evil”. Other than that, good job 😉

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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