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Uhm, but it’s my house

Man arrested for doing home improvements:

According to the report, Michael Dolceacqua, 41, of 67 Hill St. was charged with doing home improvements without a permit, failure to refund payment of home improvements, failure to furnish a proper contract, failure to provide notice of cancellation and failure to provide contract copies.
He was released on a PTA for court Aug. 12.

Via UnknownNews.

2 Responses to “Uhm, but it’s my house”

  1. mike hollihan Says:

    Reminds me of a Memphis man who, twenty-some years ago, started some home improvements without getting a permit. Well, Code Enforcement showed up and gave him hell. He got pissed, researched the law, and discovered that, in a quirk in the law, as long as he never actually *completed* the work, the City couldn’t do anything! He’s been at it ever since. House looks mighty weird by now, I gotta tell ya. 🙂

  2. Justin Says:

    Yet another reason not live in that shit hole called “The North East”.

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